This procedure describes how to run the ctmdbcheck utility, which displays information about the memory capacity and the status of the Control‑M/Server database.
To run the utility:
Monitor the database and the transaction log using the ctmdbcheck utility with the following syntax according to the database in use.
ctmdbcheck [-ddb_threshold %] [-llog_threshold %] [-n]
ctmdbcheck [general_threshold %]
ctmdbcheck <generalThreshold%>
Only data usage may be checked for existing Oracle databases.
ctmdbcheck <generalThreshold%>
ctmdbcheck [-d <dbThreshold%>] [-l <logThreshold%>][-n]
ctmdbcheck 20
db total = 47757170 KB
data used = 6633 KB (0.01%)
Checking database...
Database is OK
These commands trigger a Shout message to Control-M/Server if more than the specified percentage of the database or the database transaction log are full. This message can then be used to trigger actions that will extend the appropriate Control‑M/Server database component.
For the Workload Automation parameter name, see Parameter name cross references. For more details on the ctmdbcheck utility, see: ctmdbcheck utility parameters, ctmdbcheck utility output parameters, andctmdbcheck utility examples.
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