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Configure the util utility to recognize different delimiters

During the export process, the util utility reads the fields and records delimiters from the Defaults.rsc configuration file or uses default values, if nothing is defined in Defaults.rsc. The delimiters are stored in the created export file.

During the import process, the util utility reads the delimiter values from the export file and does not refer to the configuration file.

The default values for the records and fields delimiters are as follows:

If you are using either of these sequences in your data, add or modify the following lines in the Defaults.rsc file using different values:

namevalue * util_exp_records_delimiter <recordsDelimiter>

namevalue * util_exp_fields_delimiter <fieldsDelimiter>

In the following example, the definitions in Defaults.rsc are set so that the records delimiter is a sequence of vertical tab, horizontal tab, and escape, and the fields delimiter is defined as the form feed character.

namevalue * util_exp_records_delimiter \x0B\t\x1B

namevalue * util_exp_fields_delimiter \f

The following table shows the characters you can use for the records delimiter and fields delimiter, respectively.

Character code



New line (if it is the only character in records delimiter)


Horizontal tab


Vertical tab


Form feed




File separator


Group separator


Record separator


Unit separator

The records and fields delimiters must follow these rules:

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