This procedure describes the sweep utility, which deletes jobs that are no longer active from the Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server databases.
To run the utility:
sweep [-U <userName> -P <password> | -PF <passwordFile>]
-S <serverName> [-Local] [-Date <YYYYMMDD>]
[-Test | -Sync] [-Timeout <maxSeconds>]
[-Cyclic <maxFiles>] [-H | -Help] [-Force]
[-Interval <milliseconds>]
em sweep [-U <userName> -P <password> | -PF <passwordFile>] -S <serverName> [-Local] [-Date <YYYYMMDD>] [-Test | -Sync] [-Timeout <maxSeconds>] [-Cyclic <maxFiles>] [-H | -Help] [-Force] [-Interval <milliseconds>]
The parameters are described in the following table. The flags are not case sensitive.
The parameters are processed and several reports are generated.
Avoid updating of the job or folder definitions when the sweep utility is running.
For the Control-M parameter name, see Parameter name cross references. For more details on the sweep utility, see sweep utility parameters.
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