This procedure describes how to watch a single file with the ctmfw File Watcher utility. Rules can be provided in the command line or by a rule file.
To watch a single file:
ctmfw FILE (absolute path)
< mode (CREATE|DELETE)> Default: CREATE
< minimum detected size <number>
[' '|Bytes(B)|Kilo(K)|Mega(M)|Giga(G)] >Default:0
< interval between file search (seconds) > Default: 60sec
< interval between filesize comparison iterations (seconds) > Default: 10sec
< number of iterations while the size is static > Default: 3 iterations
< time limit for the process (minutes).> Default: 0 (no time limit)
Effective while the file does not exists or,
the file size is static and the minimum size
was not reached >
< monitor file size , minimal and maximal age, when wildcard is used > Default: N
< starting time for detecting files (HHMM or YYYYMMDDHHMM > Default: NOW
< absolute stop time (HHMM or YYYYMMDDHHMM > Default: +0000 ( No stop time )
< minimal age of file (modified time)
format:xxxxYxxxxMxxxxDxxxxHxxxxMin > Default: NO_MIN_AGE
< maximal age of file ( timestamp monitoring )
format:xxxxYxxxxMxxxxDxxxxHxxxxMin > Default: NO_MAX_AGE
For more information about the ctmfw parameters, see ctmfw parameters.
NOTE: All parameters must be assigned a value, even if that value is zero. If only six values are specified, the default value for mon_size_wildcard is used. If five parameters are specified, default values for wait_time and mon_size_wildcard are used.
EXAMPLE: ctmfw /home/watchedfile.txt CREATE 100 10
is resolved by using default values for mon_int, min_detect, wait_time, and mon_size_wildcard as follows:
ctmfw /home/samplefile.txt CREATE 100 10 10 3 0 N
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