Indicates how the job’s output should be handled when the On Statement and Code criteria are satisfied.
Additional information |
Description |
Usage |
Optional |
Format |
Select Handle Output from the Do list box and specify the relevant sub-parameters. The following sub-parameters are available for this parameter: |
Option |
Indicates what to do with the output data. The options that can be selected in this list box are: Computers other than z/OS:
File |
Name of the file. |
The format for this parameter is the same as specified for Output Handling. For more information about this parameter, see Action |
Variable Support |
A variable or expression can be specified as all or part of the value for this parameter. |
Alternate names |
Alternate formats |
Control‑M/EM Utilities
HANDLEOUTPUT is composed of the parameters below. EXAMPLE: <HANDLEOUTPUT OPTION="ChangeClass" PAR="F" FROM="C"/> |
Indicates what to do with the Output data. Mandatory. Valid values:
Certain OPTION values require that you supply additional information (such as Release, NewDest). The PAR parameter holds that information as a string. |
Limits the Output handling operation to only Outputs from the specified class. |
Control‑M for z/OS |
Handle Output is composed of the parameters below. |
Output option code. Mandatory. Valid values:
data |
Relevant Output data. Mandatory and valid only if the specified OPT value is C, F, or N. Valid values depend on the OPT value, as follows:
FROM class. Optional. Limits the Output handling operation to only Outputs from the specified class. |
If no Output Handling is specified (or the job does not end OK), and no Handle Output statement is activated, the job’s log is placed in the default location specified by Control‑M until the New Day procedure performs its cleanup.
NOTE: The default destination of the Job log is determined by a Control‑M system parameter on each computer. For more information, see your Control‑M administrator.
The Automatic Log Copy Control‑M system parameter is not affected in any way by the function of Handle Output.
Parent Topic |