The following abbreviations are used:
Abbreviation |
Description |
Control‑M/EM |
Control‑M/Enterprise Manager |
The following conventions are used:
Convention |
Description |
key |
When describing keystrokes, boldface type is used for the name of a key (for example, F1). When two keys are joined with "+" as in Shift+F1, hold down Shift while pressing F1. |
Menu => Option |
This represents an option selection sequence. EXAMPLE: Users and Groups => Groups => Add means that you first select Users and Groups from the menu bar. Select the Groups option from the submenu. Finally, select the Add option from the Groups submenu. |
{ } (braces) |
Braces indicate that at least one of the enclosed elements is required. EXAMPLE: {fileName | deviceName| mediaType} means that you must specify one of the variables. |
{Option A|Option B} |
The vertical bar is used to separate choices. For example:{AND|OR} means that you specify either AND or OR. |
[Option] |
Square brackets are used to enclose parameters that are optional. |
Code Samples |
Format syntax, operating system terms, examples, and JCL scripts are presented in this typeface. |
Messages |
Messages are presented in this typeface. |
Boldface |
In instructions, boldface type highlights information that you enter. File names, directory names and paths, parameter names, and options are also in boldface. |
Option Symbol |
A vertical bar ( | ) separating items indicates that you must choose one item. In the following example, you would choose a, b, or c: EXAMPLE: a | b | c |
Parent Topic |