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Step 2.2: Generate a baseline snapshot

Before performing the Multisystem Upgrade, use the ULDCSITZ job (provided by the Multisystem Upgrade process) to generate a baseline snapshot of the SMP/E target zone. The generated snapshot represents the current INCONTROL software level of the master IOA environment and all slave IOA environments. This snapshot is used by the Multisystem Upgrade process to detect data sets and members that have changed during upgrade or maintenance, based on a comparison of SMP/E Target Zones between the master environment and the slave environments.

To create a baseline snapshot

  1. On the master environment, tailor the ULDCSITZ job using the Tailor Job option in ICE (available by selecting Maintain your Environment => ICE refresh).

    Specify the following values:

  2. Submit the ULDCSITZ job.

    The ULDCSITZ job unloads SMP/E Target Zone information into mlprefa.Syymmdd, a sequential data set. If such a data set already exists, it is replaced. The low level qualifier (LLQ) of the data set indicates its creation date.

  3. Create a backup copy of the mlprefa.Syymmdd data set.
    Give your backup data set a slightly different name. For example, mlprefa.SyymmddX.

Parent Topic

Step 2: Prepare the IOA environments for Multisystem Upgrade