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DO ADJMSG: Action Parameter

Suppresses Control-M JCL Verify messages or changes their severity in a dynamic manner.

Note: If a static adjustment of messages is sufficient, with no need to set conditions for message adjustments, you can use the alternative CTJEMSG member. For more information, see Adjusting messages. If you set up both types of message adjustments, dynamic message adjustments take precedence over static message adjustments.

The DO ADJMSG parameter is relevant for site standards only.

DO ADJMSG is available for the following ON statements: DD, EXEC, INIT, JOB, and JCLLIB. Message adjustments are put into effect according to the scope of the ON statement:

If two rules trigger adjustments to the same message, precedence is determined according to the following criteria:

The valid format is



This parameter is optional. To activate it, use the following steps:

  1. Type ADJMSG in the DO field, and press Enter.

    Several additional fields are displayed (MSGID, SUPPRESS, and SEVERITY).

  2. In the MSGID field, enter the message ID for the message that you want to adjust.

    Note: Certain messages are restricted and cannot be adjusted. For a list of messages that you cannot adjust, see Restricted Messages.

  3. In the SUPPRESS field, enter either Y or N.
  4. In the SEVERITY field, enter a new severity for the message - E, W, or I.
  5. Press Enter.

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Parameter Descriptions