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Step 2.11 – Copy Elements into Site Libraries

During the original installation, certain libraries may have been copied to libraries outside the IOA libraries and afterwards modified locally. In this step, the locally modified libraries are identified, so they can be backed up first. (Otherwise, the new members in these libraries will overwrite the modified members.) In this step, the selected elements are copied to the site libraries. After the job has completed successfully, the local modifications must be reapplied to these members.

PROCJCL elements may be brought in an upgrade. Previously, members of the PROCJCL library may have been copied by the installation jobs to a library specified by the PROCLIB installation parameter.

If any PROCJCL members for the installed products are replaced by the upgrade, they can be listed using the L option, and selected to be recopied using the S option. If any of the selected members had local modifications in the site library, back them up first, before copying the elements, and re-work the changes after this step is completed.

  1. Select Minor Step 11, Copy Elements into Site Libraries.

    If either the PROCLIB parameter is set to the default value (DONTCOPY, do not copy to a site library), or if no PROCJCL elements are replaced in this upgrade, for the products installed, an appropriate message is issued, and the step is marked COMPLETE. Continue with Step 2.12 – Restart Address Spaces.

  2. If there are candidate elements to be copied, a panel opens with a table listing the elements and copy data.

    For assistance in deciding which elements to copy, use the following line commands:

    B - view the new version of the element

    V - read the PTF description

    Note: The V option is not active after the PTFs for the upgrade have been ACCEPTed.

  3. Enter S in the O column next to the elements that you decide to copy and press PF3 (END) to return to the Minor Steps Selection panel.

    Note: If any of these elements have local modifications, back them up now, and reapply the modifications to the new copies after successfully copying the elements to the site libraries.

Parent Topic

2. Upgrade - Implementation