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Step 2.6 – Handle User Exit Updates

This step lists the new versions of user-exit samples introduced by the upgrade. These exits were identified as already being implemented in your system. The updates have not yet affected your system.

Select Minor Step 6, Handle User Exit Updates, to display the list.

Note: If no installed user exits were replaced by the upgrade, the following message is displayed:
Step will be marked COMPLETE. No Installed User Exits were replaced in this upgrade.

For each member in this list, consider whether you want to use the new version of the exit and, if so, do the following:

  1. Back up the source of the installed exit member and its usermod job. They are both located in the ilprefa.CUSTEXIT library. The usermod job has the same name as the sample exit name, except that the first two characters are replaced by "UM." For example, the usermod job for installing CTDX008B is UMDX008B.
  2. Enter the ICE Exit Installation Tool (Main Menu=>Customization=>Environment selection=>Product Customization (set to IOA)=>User EXITs Installation=>EXITs Customization).
  3. Enter the name of the exit member and specify N on the pop-up question (Do you want to use the existing copy?).
  4. Edit the exit member source to reflect the local modifications (according to the backup) and press PF03.
  5. Specify N on the pop-up question (Do you want to use the existing Job?).
  6. Edit the job to reflect any local modifications.
  7. Submit the job and verify successful completion.

Return to Major Step 2, Upgrade - Implementation.

Parent Topic

2. Upgrade - Implementation