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Messages CTJJ00 through CTJJxx

This group includes messages for Control-M/JCL Verify products.


Explanation: The site standards rules were not loaded, therefore, this kind of verification is deactivated for this run.

Corrective Action: Load the rules using the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor.

CTJJ01E ERROR: Missing statement begin_statement before block_type

Explanation: While verifying a JES ENDPROCESS or ENDDATASE statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that a PROCESS or a DATASET statement is missing before the beginning of the PROCESS or DATASET block.

Corrective Action: Either add the missing statement or remove the above statement and then rerun job verification.

CTJJ02E ERROR: SIGNON ERROR - NEW PASSWORD is incorrect, must be in position 35 to 42

Explanation: While verifying the SIGNON JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the new password is incorrect.

Corrective Action: Correct the password and rerun job verification.

CTJJ03E ERROR: SIGNON ERROR - NEW PASSWORD2 is incorrect, must be in position 73 to 80

Explanation: While verifying the SIGNON JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the new password2 is incorrect.

Corrective Action: Correct the password and rerun job verification.

CTJJ04E ERROR: Invalid JES statement - placement in JCL is not correct

Explanation: This message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that a JES2 XMIT or JES3 ROUTE statement is incorrectly placed in the JCL.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the JES2 XMIT or JES3 ROUTE statement is placed correctly after the JOB statement.

CTJJ05E ERROR: SIGNON ERROR - blanks are required after WORKSTATION name until position 21

Explanation: While verifying the SIGNON JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that blanks are missing after the workstation name.

Corrective Action: Add the required blanks after the workstation name, until position 21, and rerun job verification.

CTJJ06E ERROR: SIGNON ERROR - BLANK is required in position 24

Explanation: While verifying the SIGNON JES3 statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that position 24 is not blank.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement and rerun job verification.

CTJJ07E ERROR: SIGNON ERROR - 'A' or BLANK is required in position 22

Explanation: While verifying the SIGNON JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that neither a "A" nor a blank is in position 22.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement and rerun job verification.

CTJJ08E ERROR: SIGNON ERROR - 'R' or BLANK is required in position 23

Explanation: While verifying the SIGNON JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that neither a "R" nor a blank is in position 23.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement and rerun job verification.


Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected an internal error.

Corrective Action: Rerun job verification. If the problem reoccurs, call BMC Customer Support.

CTJJ09W WARNING: The above /*SETUP statement has no volume to request

Explanation: While verifying the SETUP JES2 statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the statement does not contain any VOLUME for making a mounting request to the OPERATOR. JES2 does not issue a $HASP103 null, but the JES2 sets the JOB to hold state.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0AE ERROR: Above JES statement has a keyword error

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected invalid data in the keyword statement.

Corrective Action: Correct the keyword data and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0BE ERROR: JES statement node is unknown to JES. NODE:node_string

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected a node that is not known to JES.

Corrective Action: Correct the node and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0CI INFORMATION: Keyword was ignored by Control-M/JCL Verify

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify ignored the keyword.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJJ0DE ERROR: Missing mandatory keyword

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that a mandatory keyword is missing for the above type of JES statement. For more information, see the IBM MVS JCL Reference.

Corrective Action: Add the missing keyword and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0EI INFORMATION: KEYWORD keyword contains an unknown value: string

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the keyword statement contains an unknown value.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJJ0EW WARNING: KEYWORD keyword has invalid value:string

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the keyword statement contains an invalid value.

Corrective Action: Correct the keyword data and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0FE ERROR: Invalid JES statement type

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected detected an invalid statement type.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement type and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0GE ERROR: Invalid keyword:keyword

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected an invalid keyword.

Corrective Action: Correct the keyword and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0HE ERROR: Invalid delimiter:delimiter

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected an invalid delimiter between two keywords or values.

Corrective Action: Correct the delimiter and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0IE ERROR: Multiply-defined keyword:keyword

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected a keyword used more than one time in the statement.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0II INFORMATION: Multiply-defined keyword:keyword

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected a keyword used more than one time in the statement.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJJ0JE ERROR: Keyword keyword data is not numeric. DATA:data

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the keyword data is not numeric, as required by JES.

Corrective Action: Correct the keyword and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0KE ERROR: Keyword keyword VALUE value is out of range

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the keyword data is not in the allowed range.

Corrective Action: Correct the keyword data and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0LE ERROR: Total number of groups is higher than 255

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the total number of groups is greater than 255.

Corrective Action: Correct the groups and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0ME ERROR: Too many groups in list. Maximum allowed is 8 groups.

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the number of groups is greater than the maximum allowed by JES.

Corrective Action: Correct the groups and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0NI INFORMATION: Invalid PRIORITY statement - ignored by JES2

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the PRIORITY statement is invalid. JES2 will ignore the PRIORITY statement when the job is submitted.

Corrective Action: If you want to use the PRIORITY statement, correct the PRIORITY statement and rerun job verification.


Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the remote workstation name in the SIGNON statement is invalid.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0PI INFORMATION: Multiple //*NET statements encountered in input stream

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected multiple //*NET statements.

Corrective Action: Correct the JCL and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0QI INFORMATION: JES statement above may have an invalid TSO or z/VM USERID:userid

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected an invalid TSO or VM user ID.

Corrective Action: If the remote destination is a z/OS or a z/VM you might have to correct the user ID.

CTJJ0RE ERROR: Unbalanced parentheses on keyword data

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected unbalanced parentheses on keyword data.

Corrective Action: Correct the parentheses on the keyword data and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0SE ERROR: SIGNON ERROR - Must have BLANKS in position 9 to 15

Explanation: While verifying a SIGNON statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the data between position 9 and 15 is not BLANK, as required.

Corrective Action: Correct the SIGNON statement and rerun job verification.


Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected an internal error.

Corrective Action: Rerun job verification. If the problem reoccurs, call BMC Customer Support.

CTJJ0UE ERROR: SIGNON ERROR - Must be a REMOTE name group position 16 to 24

Explanation: While verifying a SIGNON statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the data of the REMOTE name field is blank.

Corrective Action: Correct the SIGNON statement and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0VE ERROR: Keyword keyword invalid destination name.

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the destination name is not valid.

Corrective Action: Correct the keyword and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0WE ERROR: SIGNON ERROR - PASSWORD1 invalid, must be in position 25 to 32

Explanation: While verifying a SIGNON statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the password1 is invalid.

Corrective Action: Correct the password and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0XE ERROR: keyword/statement_string has invalid value:value

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the keyword has an invalid value.

Corrective Action: Correct the keyword and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0XI INFORMATION: keyword/statement_string has unknown value:value

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the keyword has an unknown value.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJJ0YE ERROR: Missing or invalid DDNAME

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the mandatory keyword DDNAME is missing or has an invalid value.

Corrective Action: Correct the keyword and rerun job verification.

CTJJ0ZE ERROR: Keyword keyword/statement_string data length error

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the keyword's data length is not valid.

Corrective Action: Correct the keyword and rerun job verification.

CTJJ11E ERROR: SIGNON ERROR - NEW PASSWORD2 is incorrect, must be in position 35 to 42

Explanation: While verifying the SIGNON JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the new password2 is incorrect.

Corrective Action: Correct the password and rerun job verification.

CTJJ12E ERROR: SIGNON ERROR - NEW PASSWORD is incorrect, must be in position 44 to 51

Explanation: While verifying the SIGNON JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the new password2 is incorrect.

Corrective Action: Correct the password and rerun job verification.

CTJJ13W WARNING: KEYWORD keyword member for value string does not exist in SYS1.IMAGELIB

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the keyword statement contains an invalid value.

Corrective Action: Correct the keyword data and rerun job verification.

CTJJ14I INFORMATION: PRIORITY value priority_string is not numeric. Statement will be ignored by JES2

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the PRIORITY value is not numeric, as required. JES2 will ignore the PRIORITY statement when the job is submitted.

Corrective Action: If you want to use the PRIORITY statement, correct the PRIORITY statement and rerun job verification.

CTJJ15I INFORMATION: PRIORITY value priority_number is out of range. Statement will be ignored by JES2

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the PRIORITY value is not between 0 to 15. JES2 will ignore the PRIORITY statement when the job is submitted.

Corrective Action: If you want to use the PRIORITY statement, correct the PRIORITY statement and rerun job verification.

CTJJ16E ERROR: the statement above has missing separator character

Explanation: While verifying the SIGNON JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the separtor character is missing.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement and rerun job verification.

CTJJ17E ERROR: //*PROCESS is not allowed after //*ENDPROCESS

Explanation: While verifying the SIGNON JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected //*PROCESS after //*ENDPROCESS, which is not allowed.

Corrective Action: Correct the statements and rerun job verification.


Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that a NODE/REMOTE/DEST name is unknown to JES.

Corrective Action: Correct the statements and rerun job verification.

CTJJ19E ERROR: In the above JES3 statement keyword1 and keyword2 are mutually exclusive keywords

Explanation: While verifying the JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the above statement contains keywords that cannot be in the same statement.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement and rerun job verification.

CTJJ1AE ERROR: Label of XMIT statement is invalid

Explanation: During statement verification, Control-M/JCL Verify detected an invalid label.

CTJJ1BE ERROR: Duplicate keyword: keyword

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected a duplicate keyword.

Corrective Action: Correct the duplication and rerun job verification.

CTJJ1HE ERROR: Invalid SUBCHARS: subchars

Explanation: While verifying a JES statement, Control-M/JCL Verify detected an invalid delimiter between two keywords or values.

Corrective Action: Correct the delimiter and rerun job verification.

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CTJ messages