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Messages CTJE00 through CTJExx

This group includes messages for Control-M/JCL Verify products.

CTJE00E alloc: dynalloc error message

Explanation: Dynamic allocation or deallocation of the DSNAME specified in DO REXX failed with the given error message, where

This message is followed by message CTJE06I.

System Action: For ALLOC: the DO REXX is not performed. For DEALLOC: the DO REXX has been performed.

Corrective Action: For ALLOC, correct the DSNAME in the DO REXX. For DEALLOC, contact BMC support.

CTJE01E DO REXX failed with IRXEXEC RC=return_code

Explanation: The call to IRXEXEC to execute REXX EXEC failed with RC=return_code.

Corrective Action: To understand the reason for the failure, note the following:

This message is followed by message CTJE06I.

If the reason for the failure is still not clear, contact BMC support.

CTJE02E DOMSG from EXEC: No message provided

Explanation: DOMSG did not provide the message text.

Corrective Action: Correct the error described above.

CTJE03E DORC from EXEC: No RC and no RS provided

Explanation: DORC did not provide the return code (RC) and the reason code (RS). This message is followed by message CTJE06I.

Corrective Action: Correct the error described above.

CTJE04E DORC from EXEC: Invalid decimal characters in RC=return_code

Explanation: The return code (RC) in DORC must contain only decimal characters.

Corrective Action: Correct the error described above.

CTJE05E DORC from EXEC: Invalid hex characters in RS=reason_code

Explanation: The reason code (RS) in DORC must contain only hex characters. This message is followed by message CTJE06I.

Corrective Action: Correct the error described above.

CTJE06I RULE=rule name TABLE=table name EXEC=exec DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: This message identifies which rule and EXEC caused the error described in the preceding message.

Corrective Action: Correct the error described above.

CTJE07E CTJRXX SETVAR or RESOLVE was called with incorrect number of arguments.

Explanation: A REXX EXEC invoked by a DO REXX includes a call to CTJRXX SETVAR or RESOLVE with more or less than 2 arguments.

CTJRXX SETVAR and RESOLVE must be called with 2 arguments. This message is followed by message CTJE06I.

The SETVAR or RESOLVE function is not performed.

Corrective Action: Correct the CTJRXX call in the REXX EXEC.

CTJE08E DO REXX failed in IRXEXCOM with RC=return_code

Explanation: The call to IRXEXCOM to set stem variables with the results of SYSINREAD failed with RC=return_code. Some or all of the REXX stem variables were not set.

Corrective Action: Review the descriptions of the IRXEXCOM return codes in the z/OS V1R13.0 TSO/E REXX Reference. Review additional IRX* error messages in JESMSGLG and in SYSTSPRT. This message is followed by message CTJE06I. If the reason for the failure is still not clear, contact BMC customer support.

CTJE0AE CTJRXX/ADDRESS JVER called with an invalid function=function_name

Explanation: CTJRXX or ADDRESS JVER was called from a REXX EXEC with an invalid function function_name. This message is followed by message CTJE06I. The CTJRXX or ADDRESS JVER is not executed.

Corrective Action: Fix the syntax error and call CTJRXX or ADDRESS JVER with a valid function.

CTJE0BE CTJRXX ICMNTB/ICMNTA/REPCMNT must be called with 3 arguments

Explanation: This message is followed by message CTJE06I.

CTJE0CE CTJRXX ADJMSG must be called with at least 3 arguments

Explanation: This message is followed by message CTJE06I.


Explanation: Information message indicating that the CTJMON monitor is loading the site standard rules (indicated by STDR), enforcement rules (indicated by ENFORCE), or reformatting rules (indicated by REFORMAT).

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJE11I Updated JCL saved to member member_name in library lib_name

Explanation: Information message indicating that the JCL member was saved to the library after the reformat or enforcement process was completed.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJE12W Updated JCL not saved. Requested member member_name already exists in library lib_name

Explanation: Warning message indicating that the JCL member was not saved to the library after the reformat or enforcement process was completed. Probably the OVR parameter is set to N.

Corrective Action: Set OVR=Y to overwrite the existing member.

CTJE13I Control-M/JCL Verify processing REFORMAT or ENFORCEMENT

Explanation: Informational message indicating that Control-M/JCL Verify is processing the JCL for reformatting or enforcement.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJE14I original_jcl_record

Explanation: Informational message containing the original JCL record before reformatting or enforcement. This message is issued if SHOW ORIGINAL Y is specified in the rule definition.

Corrective Action: No action is required.


Explanation: Since the enforcement rules are not loaded, the enforcement process cannot be performed.

Corrective Action: Load the enforcement rules.


Explanation: Since the reformatting rules are not loaded, the reformatting process cannot be performed.

Corrective Action: Load the reformatting rules.


Explanation: The CTJENR batch utility detects that both the REF and ENF parameters are set to "N". The utility ended with RC=16.

Corrective Action: Set at least one of these parameters to "Y".


Explanation: The CTJENR batch utility failed to save the member. The utility ended with RC=16.

Corrective Action: Check the reason with support.

CTJE19I Runtime parameters: SAV=N OVR=N CTM=Y ENV=GENERAL

Explanation: Informational message indicating runtime parameters.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJE1AW Updated JCL not saved. Requested member mem_name is in use in library lib_name

Explanation: Warning message indicating that the JCL member was not saved to the library after the reformat or enforcement process was completed, because the member was in use.

Corrective Action: Check who is using or holding the member.

CTJER0S Invalid or redundant parentheses encountered

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify attempts to perform ENFORCEMENT or REFORMAT and encounters invalid or redundant parentheses in the JCL. The CTJER3S message follows with the erroneous record and the processing of the statement is terminated.

Corrective Action: Remove the redundant parentheses. If the problem re-occurs, contact BMC support and provide them with the output of the ENORCEMENT or REFORMAT request.

CTJER1S module (apar) return code return_code reason code reason_code

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify attempts to perform either the enforcement or reformatting function, but the process module ended with an error. The message displays the module's name and APAR ID, and the return and reason codes at the time of the error. Additional messages might follow CTJER1S and the enforcement or reformatting function is terminated.

Corrective Action: Perform the enforcement or reformatting function again. If the problem re-occurs, contact BMC customer support. Please add the enforcement or reformatting function outputs to your call.

CTJER2S JOB jobname MEMBER member DSN dsn

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify attempts to perform either the enforcement or reformatting function, but the process module ended with an error. The message displays the jobname, the member, and the library that were handled at the time of the error. Message CTJER1S preceeds this message and the enforcement or reformatting function is terminated.

Corrective Action: Perform the enforcement or reformatting function again. If the problem re-occurs, contact BMC customer support. Please add the enforcement or reformatting function outputs to your call.


Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify attempts to perform either the enforcement or reformatting function, but the process module ended with an error. The message displays the record was handled at the time of the error. Message CTJER1S preceeds this message and the enforcement or reformatting function is terminated.

Corrective Action: Perform the enforcement or reformatting function again. If the problem re-occurs, contact BMC customer support. Please add the enforcement or reformatting function outputs to your call.

CTJERAS Unknown keyword encountered

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify attempts to perform ENFORCEMENT or REFORMAT and encounters an unknown keyword in the JCL.

System Action: The CTJER3S message follows with the erroneous record, and the processing of the statement terminates.

Corrective Action: Contact BMC support and provide them with the output of the ENFORCEMENT or REFORMAT request with your call.

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CTJ messages