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Messages CTJU00 through CTJUxx

This group includes messages for Control-M/JCL Verify products.

CTJU00I Control-M/JCL Verify Utility started. LEVEL apar_id

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify starts the first time. Level indicates the module APAR ID.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJU01I echo-sysin

Explanation: The message echoes the input from PARM or *SYSIN statements to Control-M/JCL Verify.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJU02I Control-M/JCL Verify Utility ended. RC=return_code.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify ends. RC is the highest return code that occurs during the validation processing.

Corrective Action: If RC is not zero, it means that at least one validation has failed. Review the warning and error messages and handle them appropriately.

CTJU03S Input not read from SYSIN. RC=12

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify attempts to read the SYSIN file, but it is either an empty or a DUMMY file.

Corrective Action: Add at least one valid statement or a comment and rerun job verification.

CTJU04I ORDER ID=order_id MEMBER=member_name DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify processes an ORDERID or AJF request.

Corrective Action: No action is required.


Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify processes an ORDERID or AJF request for an instream job.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJU06E Continuation card is missing. RC=12

Explanation: There is a non-blank character in the 72nd position of the SYSIN statement, but the continuation card is missing.

Corrective Action: Either remove the non-blank character or add the continuation card.

CTJU0CE Keyword keyword is not a valid keyword

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects an unrecognized keyword, and continues to the next input statement. Control-M/JCL Verify terminates with RC=12.

Corrective Action: Correct the keyword and re-submit the Control-M/JCL Verify job.

CTJU0EE Input library not found.

Explanation: The message is issued after Control-M/JCL Verify scans all statements, but detects that a SCAN or ORDER statement does not have a DSN or LIBRARY keyword or the value is null. Control-M/JCL Verify terminates with RC=12.

Corrective Action: Add a DSN or LIBRARY keyword with a file name to the SCAN or ORDER statement and re-submit the Control-M/JCL Verify job.

CTJU0FE Function function_name Is not a valid function

Explanation: The message is issued after Control-M/JCL Verify detects a statement containing an invalid function. Control-M/JCL Verify terminates with RC=12.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement and re-submit the Control-M/JCL Verify job.

CTJU0GE Keyword keyword contains invalid data data

Explanation: The message is issued after Control-M/JCL Verify detects that a keyword in one of the statements contains invalid data. Control-M/JCL Verify terminates with RC=12.

Corrective Action: Correct the keyword data and re-submit the Control-M/JCL Verify job.

CTJU0HW The requested ORDERID text

Explanation: A job, which is requested by either the ORDERID or the AJF function, is not processed because of one of the following reasons: it does not have embedded JCL statements, it is a TABLE Entity, it is a Started Task, it is not found in the AJF, or it is already deleted.

Corrective Action: Verify that the requested job is correct.


Explanation: The message is issued after Control-M/JCL Verify detects that a SAVMEM parameter was specified, but the MEM parameter did not provide the specified member name. Control-M/JCL Verify stops execution.

Corrective Action: Correct the keyword and re-submit the Control-M/JCL Verify job.

CTJUA0I IDCAMS user input record

Explanation: This message displays the user's input.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUA1E Object type is object_type_1 but IDCAMS command specified object_type_2

Explanation: The type of pre-existing object, as defined in the catalog, is different from the type specified in the IDCAMS command, or a PATH is being defined but the object that was specified in the PATHENTRY parameter is not a cluster or alternate index.

object_type_1 and object_type_2 are object types, such as: ALIAS, GDG, CLUSTER, PATH, AIX.

Corrective Action: Correct the IDCAMS command.

CTJUA2I object_name will be deleted

Explanation: The object named in the message will be deleted by a generic delete command.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the object will not be deleted unintentionally.

CTJUA3E MARGINS subparameters are missing, not numeric or out of range

Explanation: The MARGINS parameter of the PARM command is invalid.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the left and right margin sub-parameters are specified and that they are numeric and in the range between 1 and 80.

CTJUA4E Right margin not greater than left margin

Explanation: The MARGINS parameter of the PARM command is invalid.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the right margin specifies a column number that is greater than the left margin.

CTJUA6E ALLOCATE command - invalid use of ')', keyword = keyword

Explanation: One of the parameters contains a closing parenthesis ')', but is followed by text or another parenthesis. The variable term, keyword, refers to the keyword or syntax unit that contains the ')'.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the parameters are separated by spaces.

CTJUA7E idcams_command command - syntax error type z, keyword = keyword

Explanation: A syntax error was found in the IDCAMS command. The variables are defined as follows:

Corrective Action: Correct your input.

CTJUA8E "ELSE" command appears improperly

Explanation: An ELSE command appears without a previous IF-THEN sequence.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the ELSE command has a matching IF-THEN sequence.

CTJUA9E "SET" command has invalid assignment expression

Explanation: The required assignment expression in the SET command is invalid.

Corrective Action: Correct the SET command so that the expression is in the following form: SET condition = value. For example: SET MAXCC = 8.

CTJUAAE "IF" command has invalid relational expression or missing/incomplete "THEN" keyword

Explanation: The relational expression in the command is invalid or the THEN keyword is missing.

Corrective Action: Correct the IF command and retry the verification.

CTJUABE Verb name too long - first_word

Explanation: The first word in an input statement is too long to be a valid IDCAMS command. Up to 20 characters are displayed.

Corrective Action: Correct your input and retry the verification.

CTJUACE ALLOCATE - DATASET parameter missing

Explanation: The ALLOCATE command requires a DATASET/DA parameter.

Corrective Action: Correct your input and retry the verification.

CTJUADE parameter - Value is too long

Explanation: The specified parameter value is too long, where parameter can be a parameter such as: DDNAME, DATASET, LIKE.

Corrective Action: Correct your input and retry the verification. The maximum length for the DDNAME parameter is 8 characters, and 44 characters for all DSNAME related parameters.

CTJUAEE Required verb or parameter(s) missing - command

Explanation: A non-modal IDCAMS command was entered without any parameters. command is the assumed command name.

Corrective Action: Review your input, searching especially for missing continuation marks (such as '-' or '+'). Correct your input and retry the verification.

CTJUAFW Unbalanced parentheses, verification continues

Explanation: The IDCAMS command (other than ALLOCATE) contains an unequal number of '(' and ')', but might be valid.

Corrective Action: Subsequent messages will indicate if the command is valid. Even if verification succeeds, it is recommended that you add or remove parentheses as needed, because it might cause Control-M/JCL Verify to misinterpret the input for file (FV) or file access (FA) verification.

CTJUAGE End of comment is missing

Explanation: The beginning of comment symbol '/*' was found without the matching end of comment symbol '*/'.

Corrective Action: Correct your input and retry the verification.

CTJUAHI DELETE with MASK specified, no FV/FA checks will be performed.

Explanation: Control-M/JCL Verify does not support file (FV) or file access (FA) verification checks for generic DELETE, where the MASK parameter is used.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUAII object_name will be altered

Explanation: The object named in the message will be altered by a specific or generic ALTER command.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the object will not be altered unintentionally. If the object is being renamed, the new name will be displayed by message CTJUAJI.

CTJUAJI object_name is the new name

Explanation: The object named in the message is the new name of an object that was affected by a specific or generic ALTER command.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the object has not been renamed unintentionally. The CTJUAII message displays the original object name.

CTJUAKE 'IF' nesting level was exceeded

Explanation: More than 10 levels of 'IF' were detected. For example: IF MAXCC>2 THEN IF MAXCC>3 THEN IF MAXCC>4 THEN IF MAXCC>5 THEN IF MAXCC>6 THEN IF MAXCC>7 THEN IF MAXCC>8 THEN IF MAXCC>9 THEN IF MAXCC>10 THEN IF MAXCC>11

Corrective Action: Simplify your logic and retry the verification.

CTJUALE Input stream end-of-file detected before command end

Explanation: The end-of-file on IDCAMS input stream occurred while expecting more parameters.

Corrective Action: Add the missing data and retry the verification.

CTJUAME IDCxxxxx message

Explanation: IDCAMS detected a syntax error in the user's input.

Corrective Action: Refer to the IBM messages manual.

CTJUANE ALLOCATE - Duplicate parameter parameter

Explanation: An ALLOCATE command parameter was specified more than once.

Corrective Action: Correct your input and retry the verification.


Explanation: If CATALOG is specified on DEFINE PAGESPACE, then the RECATALOG parameter is required.

Corrective Action: See the explanation of IBM message IDC3171I for possible responses.

CTJUAPE Error occurred while processing an in-stream SYSIN file

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify fails to read an in-stream IDCAMS input file (//SYSIN DD *).

Corrective Action: Do the following:

  1. Activate traces 88, 89, 370 on the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor.
  2. Retry verification.
  3. Inactivate the traces.
  4. Collect the SYSTSPRT and DATRACE SYSOUT files and the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor system messages file.
  5. Contact BMC Customer Support.

CTJUAQE Error: Cannot process SYSIN file

Explanation: The file specified in the SYSIN DD statement cannot be read and therefore the IDCAMS step cannot be verified.

Corrective Action: Verify that the file specified by SYSIN is a readable sequential file or library member and that the record format is not UNDEFINED.

CTJUARW No objects were found for generic operation

Explanation: The generic DELETE or ALTER command will not affect any object, because no object was found that matches the specified entry name.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the entry name (which includes a '*') will match some existing object names at job execution time.

CTJUASW Improperly placed comma has been found and ignored

Explanation: IDCAMS detected an unneeded comma and ignored it. Verification continues.

Corrective Action: Remove the extra comma.


Explanation: The dataset name specified in the ALLOCATE command contains commas or unbalanced quotes.

Corrective Action: Correct the parameter containing the DSNAME.

CTJUAUE specified_name DD statement missing

Explanation: An IDCAMS parameter such as INFILE named a DD statement, but the statement was not found in the user's job step JCL.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the JCL includes a DD statement that matches the name specified in the IDCAMS parameter.

CTJUAVW DELETE entryname format may require the MASK parameter

Explanation: A generic entryname was specified, but it might require the MASK parameter, and might fail during execution. Neither dataset verification nor file access verification will be performed.

Corrective Action: Correct the entryname or add the MASK parameter.

CTJUAWE DELETE VVR requires the FILE parameter

Explanation: The command passed IDCAMS syntax checking, but it might fail during execution because the FILE parameter is needed to identify the volume on which the VVDS resides.

Corrective Action: Add the required parameter and DD statement.

CTJUAXE FILE filename in use, ALLOCATE will fail

Explanation: The FILE parameter in the ALLOCATE command specified a name that is already in use by the job step.

Corrective Action: Review the need for using the FILE parameter. If it is needed, ensure that all the FILE parameters in ALLOCATE commands are unique and also differ from any DD names in the job step JCL.

CTJUAYE ALLOCATE command - invalid FILE parameter

Explanation: The FILE parameter must adhere to the rules of DD names in DD statements.

Corrective Action: Correct the parameter and retry verification.

CTJUAZE IDCAMS will ignore remainder of input if MAXCC >= 16

Explanation: A SET command changed the condition code to a value greater or equal to 16. If this command is reached during execution, IDCAMS ignores the rest of the input stream.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUB0E Object not found or is not a catalog - user_catalog

Explanation: The user catalog specified in the CATALOG parameter could not be found, or the name specified is not a user catalog.

Corrective Action: Specify a pre-existing user catalog name and ensure that the catalog is accessible on the local system.

CTJUB1W ALLOCATE command - 'NEW' not specified, data set status unpredictable

Explanation: The IDCAMS ALLOCATE command can only be used for allocating new data sets.

Corrective Action: If you intend to allocate a new data set, add the NEW parameter.

CTJUB2E ALLOCATE command - invalid use of '(', keyword = keyword

Explanation: The IDCAMS ALLOCATE command contains multiple opening parentheses. The variable term, keyword, refers to the keyword or syntax unit that contains the '('.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the parameters are separated by spaces and that multiple parentheses are not used inappropriately.

CTJUB3E Invalid utility input file - error_type

Explanation: A SYSIN input file for IDCAMS, or a SYSTSIN file for TSO batch is invalid. The variable term, error-type, refers to one of the following error types:

Corrective Action: Ensure that the utility input file is valid.

CTJUB4E Required volumes and/or devicetypes have been omitted

Explanation: The DEFINE NONVSAM command must include the VOLUMES and DEVICETYPES parameters.

Corrective Action: Ensure that both parameters are specified for the command.

CTJUB5I IDCAMS Allocated DSNAME will be name

CTJUH0I user input record

Explanation: This message displays a record from the utility's SYSIN files.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUH1E Invalid command

Explanation: The input statement does not contain a valid command recognized by the utility.

Note that commands must not start in column 1.

Corrective Action: Correct your input.

CTJUH2E Required parameter or value missing – parameter

Explanation: A required parameter is missing, or a keyword was specified without a value.

Corrective Action: Add the required parameter. If it is a keyword, add a value.

CTJUH3E Parameter not valid for operation - parameter

Explanation: The parameter cannot be specified for the requested operation. For example, 'SYS' cannot be specified with SCRATCH DSNAME.

Corrective Action: Remove the parameter.

CTJUH4E Error in parameter - parameter

Explanation: The specified parameter is unrecognized, inappropriate for the command, is incomplete or is syntactically incorrect. For example, a keyword is not followed by the '=' sign.

Corrective Action: Correct your input and retry verification.

CTJUH5E Duplicate parameter - parameter

Explanation: The parameter was already specified in the statement.

Corrective Action: Ensure that each parameter or keyword appears only once.

CTJUH6E Mutually exclusive parameters – parameter1+parameter2

Explanation: The two parameters (parameter1,parameter2) cannot be both specified in the same statement.

Corrective Action: Remove one of the parameters and retry.

CTJUH7W Invalid EXEC PARM field, verification continues

Explanation: The PARM field on the EXEC card contains errors.

The errors are ignored by the utility.

Corrective Action: Correct or remove the PARM field.

CTJUH8W Duplicate parameters in EXEC PARM, verification continues

Explanation: The PARM field on the EXEC card contains multiple occurrences of the same parameter. The utility will ignore the error.

Corrective Action: Correct or remove the PARM field.

CTJUH9E Error in parameter - parameter

Explanation: The parameter value is invalid. The message identifies the parameter and error. For example, the device type is unknown, unbalanced parentheses or unbalanced apostrophes.

Corrective Action: Correct the parameter and retry.

CTJUHAE Too many DSNAMEs - maximum of 10 allowed

Explanation: The list of DSNAMES is too long.

Corrective Action: First check if the command allows multiple DSNAMEs. If it does, add another command and divide the DSNAMEs between the two commands.

CTJUHBE Too many volume serial numbers

Explanation: The list of volumes in the VOL parameter is too long.

Corrective Action: First check if the command allows multiple volsers. If it does, add another command and divide the volsers between the two commands.

CTJUHCE Parameter length error - value

Explanation: The parameter value is either too long or too short. For example, the maximum for volser is 6 and for DSN is 44.

Corrective Action: Correct the parameter and retry.

CTJUHDE Invalid control card - x

Explanation: One of the following errors were detected:

  1. DELIMITER x - the character x is not allowed or in wrong position
  3. DATA IN COLS 1-15 - illegal on a continuation card
  4. DELIM/SPACE IN WRONG POSITION – a space or a special character appears in an unexpected position. For example, a space appears after a '=' sign, or a '*' appears where only alphanumeric or national symbols are allowed.
  5. CONTINUATION ERROR – column 72 is space
  7. EXPECTED CONTINUATION - but encountered end of file
  8. Keyword without a value.
  9. COLUMN 16 SHOULD NOT BE SPACE – on a continuation card

Corrective Action: Correct the parameter and retry.

CTJUHEE DD statement missing or invalid device type for volume volume

Explanation: The specified volume is not allocated to the job step, or the device type is invalid for the requested operation.

Corrective Action: Add a DD statement which refers to the volume needed for the operation. The volume must be online and of the same device type as specified in the utility control statement. If no VOL=keyword was specified, add a DD for the system residence volume.

CTJUHFE Tape device type not allowed for command

Explanation: The command (such as LISTVTOC) is not supported for tape device types.

Corrective Action: Ensure that VOL=devtype=volser refers to a DASDI device type

CTJUHGE Error: Cannot process ddname file

Explanation: The file specified on the SYSIN or SYMNAMES DD statement cannot be read. The utility step cannot be verified.

Corrective Action: Verify that the file specified by SYSIN or SYMNAMES is a readable sequential file or library member that contains utility control statements, and that the logical record length is 80.

CTJUHHI SCRATCH VTOC - individual file verification bypassed

Explanation: File verification and access checks will not be performed because the command may apply to a large number of data sets.

Corrective Action: Display the contents of the volume to ensure that no unintended deletions will occur and that deletions will not fail due to insufficient authorization.


Explanation: IEHPROGM operations are not supported for VSAM data sets, aliases or any entity other than a non-VSAM data ser.

Corrective Action: Use IDCAMS utility for VSAM and other catalog entry types not supported by IEHPROGM.

CTJUHJE Columns 1-15 on continuation card are not empty

Explanation: Data on continuation cards must start on column 16 data sets.

Corrective Action: Correct the continuation card and retry.

CTJUHKW Attempt to scratch a VTOC index data set

Explanation: IEHPROGM will not scratch the data set containing the index for a indexed VTOC.

Corrective Action: Do not use IEHPROGM do delete SYS1.VTOCIX data sets.

CTJUHLE Attempt to scratch the VTOC of the SYSRES volume

Explanation: Caution should be exercised when attempting to delete the files of the system residence volume.

Corrective Action: Review utility input to ensure that it will not damage the system.

CTJUHME Invalid tape file sequence number

Explanation: You are cataloging a dataset on tape, and one of the file sequence numbers is not numric or exceeds 99999.

Corrective Action: Correct the sequence number or change it to 1.

CTJUHNI Generic DSNAME not verified

Explanation: The DSNAME parameter of an IEHLIST command contains *a '*' or '%'. The data set names in the command will not be verified.

Corrective Action: Ensure that your intention was to list multiple generic data sets.


Explanation: Message issued by the utility during syntax checking.

Corrective Action: Review message. If it indicates an error then correct your input.

CTJUHPE (task_id) Verification of keyword bypassed - ddname DD missing

Explanation: The DD statement specified in the FILTERDD, PASSWORD(dsn) or EXCLUDE(DDNAME(ddname)) keyword cannot be found in the job step's JCL, where task_id is the Task ID (see message CTJUJTI).

Corrective Action: Correct the JCL.

CTJUHPW (task_id) Verification of keyword bypassed - reason_code

Explanation: The file specified by the FILTERDD, PASSWORD(dsn), or EXCLUDE(DDNAME(ddname)) keyword is not verified, but it might still be correct, where task_id is the Task ID (see message CTJUJTI).

The reason_code can be one of the following:


Explanation: The DSNAME in an IEHPROGM UNCATLG command refers to a SMS-managed data set. IEHPROGM cannot uncatalog it.

Corrective Action: To uncatalog the data set, see the following IBM manuals: z/OS DFSMS Managing Catalogs and z/OS DFSMS Access Method Services Commands.

CTJUHRE Volume volume appears as non-first on a DD VOL=SER list

Explanation: For IEHLIST and IEHPROGM, the volser specified in the command must not appear as the non-first volser in the VOL=SER list on a DD statement.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the volser has its own DD card and remove it if it appears as non-first in a VOL=SER list.

CTJUHSE Volume volume is not first in a DD concatenation

Explanation: For IEHLIST and IEHPROGM, the volser specified in the command appears on a DD concatenation but is not the first DD.

Corrective Action: Either add specific DD pointing to the volser or ensure that the DD is the first in a concatenation.


Explanation: For IEHLIST and IEHPROGM, The block size of the SYSPRINT data set must be a multiple of 121. LRECL should be set correspondingly.

Corrective Action: Remove DCB=BLKSIZE from SYSPRINT statement.

CTJUHUI Required parameter or value missing - DUMP OR FORMAT

Explanation: A LISTVTOC INDEXDSN statement requires either DUMP or FORMAT.

Corrective Action: Review input. Processing continues.

CTJUHVE Step contains DD statements with identical names

Explanation: The job step includes DD statements that have identical names. This might cause IEHLIST to fail.

Corrective Action: Ensure that all the DD's have different names.

CTJUHWE Data set is not a PDS: dsname

Explanation: The DSNAME specified on a LISTPDS command does not refer to a partitioned data set.

Corrective Action: Check the dsname and ensure that it is a PDS.

CTJUHXE SYSIN LRECL not 80 or BLKSIZE not multiple of 80

Explanation: For IEHLIST and IEHPROGM, The block size of the SYSIN data set must be a multiple of 80. LRECL should be 80.

Corrective Action: Remove DCB=BLKSIZE from the SYSIN statement.

CTJUHYE DD statement missing for system residence volume volume

Explanation: The command did not include the VOL=devtype=volser parameter.

The system residence volume volume is used as default.

Corrective Action: ensure that a DD statement for the system residence volume is added to the job step, or add an appropriate VOL parameter on the utility command.

CTJUHZE INDEXDSN must be specified as SYS1.VTOCIX.value, value=third_level_qualifier

Explanation: Examine message.

Corrective Action: Correct your input and retry.

CTJUJ0I Using system residence volume volume

Explanation: A IEHLIST command did not specify a volser. The system residence volume volume is used as default.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUJ1W Syntax error in name field. Verification continues.

Explanation: The name field of a IEHPROGM command is invalid. Utility processing will continue.

Corrective Action: Ensure the name field is 1-8 characters, starts with a letter and contains only alphanumeric or national characters.

CTJUJ2W Data set was created on a different volume – volume

Explanation: A data set was created in a job step prior to IEHPROGM. In the IEHPROGM step, a CATLG command is issued but specified a volume different from the one on which the data set was created.

Corrective Action: Correct the VOL= parameter on the CATLG command so it matches the VOL= parameter on the DD that created the data set.

CTJUJ3W WARNING: file was already uncataloged. DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: A IEHPROGM UNCATLG command refers to a data set that was not cataloged, or was uncataloged in a previous job step.

Corrective Action: Check if the UNCATLG command is needed.

CTJUJ4W Volume count mismatch between allocation and CATLG – dataset_name

Explanation: A data set dataset_name was allocated in one step and then cataloged using IEHPROGM is another step. The number of volume serial numbers specified in the two steps is not the same.

Corrective Action: Correct either the allocation JCL or the IEHPROGM CATLG command.

CTJUJ5E Invalid DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The data set name dataset_name that appears in a IEHPROGM or IEHLIST command is invalid. For example, it starts with a numeral.

Corrective Action: Correct the DSNAME in the utility input.

CTJUJ6I DDNAME name - DISP=OLD recommended

CTJUJ7W ADRxxxW warning message

Explanation: A warning message issued by the ADRDSSU utility.

Corrective Action: Look up the explanation of the ADRxxxW message in the following IBM manual: DFSMSdss Storage Administration Guide.

CTJUJ8E ADRxxxE error message

Explanation: A error message issued by the ADRDSSU utility.

Corrective Action: Look up the explanation of the ADRxxxE message in the following IBM manual: DFSMSdss Storage Administration Guide.

CTJUJ9E Invalid parameter value specified in EXEC PARM

Explanation: The ABEND or SDUMP parameters for the ADRDSSU program contain an invalid value.

Corrective Action: The parameters must specify 1 – 3 numerals. For more information, see the following IBM manual: DFSMSdss Storage Administration Guide.

CTJUJAE ADRDSSU Utility cannot be loaded due to memory shortage

Explanation: Verification of ADRDSSU input cannot be performed because there is not enough storage to load the utility in the private area below the line.

Corrective Action:

  1. Retry the verification. Memory shortage might occur due to a large number of concurrent verifications.
  2. If error persists then the problem is due to fragmentation of free storage. Restart the JVER monitor and retry verification.


Explanation: ADRDSSU assigned task ID task_id to command command. All future ADR and CTJUHPE/W messages related to this command will contain the task ID indicated in parentheses.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUT1I Plan plan_name is valid and operative.

Explanation: Plan verification was successful.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUT2E Plan plan_name is status_1(z) and status_2.

Explanation: Plan verification failed because it is either invalid, inoperative, or both.

The variables are defined as follows:

Corrective Action: Re-BIND the plan and retry verification. For more details, refer to the IBM DB2 for z/OS SQL Reference manual for descriptions of the VALID and OPERATIVE columns in the SYSIBM.SYSPLAN table.

CTJUT3E Plan plan_name cannot be found.

Explanation: The plan row was not found in the DB2 catalog.

Corrective Action: Verify that the plan name is correct and that the BIND process for the plan was completed successfully.

CTJUT4E Subsystem subsystem_id not found

Explanation: The named DB2 subsystem is not defined on the system.

Corrective Action: Check your input and ensure that the verification is performed for the system where the DB2 subsystem is active.

CTJUT5E Subsystem subsystem_id is INACTIVE

Explanation: The named DB2 subsystem is defined, but not active.

Corrective Action: Activate the subsystem.

CTJUT6I Using DB2 subsystem subsystem_id from source

Explanation: The message identifies the name of the DB2 subsystem being used to verify the user's DSN commands, and the source of the name.

The variables are defined as follows:

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUT7E Missing, invalid or duplicate command/parameter

Explanation: An invalid SYSTEM, PLAN, or PROGRAM parameter has been detected in the user's input or a duplicate DSN or RUN command has been detected on the same line.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the above parameters are coded correctly.

Possible errors:

CTJUT8E RUN subcommand requires either PROGRAM or PLAN+CP parms

Explanation: RUN PLAN(..) was detected, but no PROGRAM or CP parameters were specified.

Corrective Action: Specify parameters for both PLAN and PROGRAM, or PLAN and CP, or just PROGRAM.

CTJUT9E RUN subcommand cannot have both PROGRAM and CP parameters

Explanation: PROGRAM and CP parameters are mutually exclusive.

Corrective Action: If a TSO command follows the RUN command, then remove PROGRAM. Otherwise remove the CP parameter.

CTJUTAW A RUN command was found without a preceding valid DSN command

Explanation: If the intention was to run a DB2 application, then the RUN subcommand must be preceded by a valid DSN command. Alternatively, this could be a call to the RUN TSO command (unrelated to DB2).

Corrective Action: If your intention was to run a DB2 application, then make sure the RUN subcommand is preceded by a DSN command, and that no errors were reported on the DSN command.

CTJUTBE Incomplete command detected at end of input

Explanation: The last utility input record ended with a continuation sign ('-' or '+').

Corrective Action: Ensure that the utility input commands are complete.

CTJUTCE Failure to open JVER plan plan_name, RC=return_code, RS=reason_code

Explanation: An error occurred opening the Control-M/JCL Verify (JVER) DB2 plan used to verify the user's plans.

return_code, reason_code - DB2 return code and reason code. See "CAF error codes and reason codes" in the IBM DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide.

Corrective Action: Do the following:

  1. If reason code is 00F30034 then the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor is not authorized to use the Control-M/JCL Verify plan. Ensure that Control-M/JCL Verify was granted the appropriate DB2 authorizations on the subsystem identified in the preceding CTJUT6I message. See "Enabling DB2 support" in INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.
  2. Ensure that the Control-M/JCL Verify DB2 plan was bound successfully during installation. If the plan name was changed in the BIND job from the default (CTJDB2) then specify the new name by using the DB2PLAN parameter in CTJPARM.

CTJUTDE Timestamp mismatch between the JVER DB2 plan and its DBRM.

Explanation: The Control-M/JCL Verify plan (normally CTJDB2) is out of synchronization with its DBRM, and cannot be used.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the BIND job for the Control-M/JCL Verify plan was successfully run, either during Control-M/JCL Verify installation or after installing a PTF for the CTJDB2 module. See also message CTJUTCE above.

CTJUTEE Connect to DB2 subsystem subsystem_id failed, RC=return_code, RS=reason_code

Explanation: An error occurred connecting to the specified DB2 subsystem.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the specified DB2 subsystem is active on the system where the verification is performed. Review the accompanying messages: CTJUT4E, CTJUT5E, and/or CTJUTLE. If the error still cannot be determined, find the return and reason codes in "CAF error codes (RC) and reason codes (RS)" in the IBM DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide.

CTJUTFE DB2 verification failed - error loading DB2 modules, RS=reason_code

Explanation: An error occurred while Control-M/JCL Verify was attempting to load DB2 default modules from one of the user's STEPLIB or JOBLIB libraries, which seemed to contain the DSNHDECP member. However, the library or member are not valid.

RS=reason_code is one of the following:

Corrective Action: Ensure that the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor STEPLIB includes the following DB2 libraries: SDSNLOAD and SDSNEXIT, or that these libraries are in LNKLST. If you intend to load the DB2 modules from your STEPLIB or JOBLIB libraries, then review your JCL and ensure that the SDSNEXIT library is included. Alternatively, specify the DB2 subsystem, to be used in the TSO DSN command or in the DB2SYS parameter, in the CTJPARM member.

CTJUTGE DB2 verification failed - insufficient storage

Explanation: DB2 verification failed because Control-M/JCL Verify failed to obtain storage.

Corrective Action: Review Control-M/JCL Verify monitor storage requirements. Retry the verification with an increased region size. If it fails again, contact BMC Customer Support.

CTJUTHE Verification failed for plan plan_name

Explanation: An error occurred while accessing the DB2 catalog for verifying the user's plan.

Corrective Action: Do the following:

  1. See the accompanying message CTJUTKE for the specific SQL error code.
  2. Verify that the DB2 subsystem is functioning properly.
  3. Ensure that DB2 support was properly enabled in Control-M/JCL Verify. For more information, see INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

CTJUTIE Error: Cannot process SYSTSIN file

Explanation: The file specified in the SYSTSIN DD statement cannot be read. The TSO batch step cannot be verified.

Corrective Action: Verify that the file specified by SYSTSIN is a readable sequential file or library member and that the record format is not UNDEFINED.

CTJUTJE Error occurred while processing an in-stream SYSTSIN file

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify fails to read an in-stream TSO batch input file (//SYSTSIN DD *).

Corrective Action: Activate traces 88, 89, 370 on the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor and retry verification. Then inactivate the traces, collect the SYSOUT files SYSTSPRT and DATRACE and the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor system messages file and contact BMC Customer Support.

CTJUTKE SQL error code is sql_error_code

Explanation: This message details the error that occurred while trying to verify a DB2 plan.

Corrective Action: See message CTJUTHE.

CTJUTLE Subsystem subsystem_id is DEFINED

Explanation: This message might be issued for a DB2 connection failure. The specified DB2 subsystem is defined but cannot be contacted.

Corrective Action: Verify that the DB2 subsystem is operational on the system where Control-M/JCL Verify monitor is executing.


Explanation: This message echoes the user's TSO batch input.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUTNE Verification failed - error loading SYSEXEC modules

Explanation: An error occurred while loading the processing modules from the SYSEXEC DDNAME.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the SYSEXEC DD card is included in the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor procedure. For more information, see INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

CTJUTRE Invalid default DB2 subsystem name

Explanation: The default subsystem name does not adhere to DB2 specifications, such as not starting with a letter. The error is most likely to occur if the user's STEPLIB or JOBLIB libraries contain a member named DSNHDECP, which is not valid.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the member is valid, or remove it and use the DB2 link libraries (LNKLST), or specify a subsystem name in the TSO DSN command or in the DB2SYS parameter in CTJPARM.

CTJUTSE NOT ABLE TO LOCATE program_name IN DSNAME library_name

Explanation: The DB2 application program specified in the DSN command could not be found in the library specified in the RUN subcommand, where

Corrective Action: Ensure that the LIBRARY parameter of the RUN subcommand points to the correct library.


Explanation: The DB2 application program specified in the DSN command could not be found in the job's STEPLIB, JOBLIB, or the system link libraries.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the program name is correct. If necessary, add the LIBRARY parameter to point to the library where the module resides.

CTJUV0I INFORMATION: verifying utility autoimmune

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify starts verifying a utility program.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUV1I INFORMATION: verifying utility util_name ended RC=return_code.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify ended the utility program verification with a return code.

Corrective Action: If the return code is not 0, correct the error as specified in the previous messages.

CTJUV2I jcl_statement_number INFORMATION: dd_name is DUMMY. util_name messages will not be available.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects the utility DD messages' DD statement is DUMMY or NULLFILE and during the utility runtime the messages will not be listed.

Corrective Action: If this is correct, no change is needed. Otherwise, set the DD name to a SYSOUT or to a dataset.

CTJUV3I jcl_statement_number INFORMATION: dd_name is DUMMY. util_name will use defaults.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects the utility control statement input data set is DUMMY or NULLFILE. Therefore the utility will use the default input statements and parameters.

Corrective Action: If this is correct, no change is needed. Otherwise, set the DD name to a SYSIN or to a dataset with the required control statements.

CTJUV4S util_name ERROR: LOAD error pgm_name. Verifying is terminated.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify fails to load the utility program. The verification is terminated.

Control-M/JCL Verify uses standard LOAD or LINK services to invoke the utility.

Corrective Action: Verify that the pgm_name exists in the verification JOBLIB, STEPLIB or one of the system LINKLIST libraries.

CTJUV5E util_name ERROR: Label error.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the previous statement contains an invalid label.

Corrective Action: Correct the label.

CTJUV6I jcl_statement_number INFORMATION:dd_name - util_name is empty. MEMBER=member_name DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify read that the util_name and the dataset_name or member_name is empty.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUV7I jcl_statement_number INFORMATION: dd_name concatenation contains DUMMY DD. All the following concatenated data sets will be ignored.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects the utility control statement input datasets' concatenation contains a DUMMY statement or DSN=NULLFILE statement. Therefore the utility will ignore all the datasets following this statement.

Corrective Action: If this is correct, no change is needed. Otherwise, set the DD name to a SYSIN or to a dataset with the required control statements.

CTJUV8E util_name ERROR: Label error.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the previous statement contains a label that is too long.

Corrective Action: Correct the label.

CTJUV9E util_name ERROR: Null statement.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the previous statement does not contain any text besides the label.

Corrective Action: Delete the statement.

CTJUVAE util_name ERROR: Missing mandatory DD statement dd_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that a mandatory DD statement is missing in the STEP that calls the utility program util_name.

Corrective Action: Add the missing DD statement.

CTJUVBE jcl_statement_number ERROR: string is not allowed for DD statement dd_name by util_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that DD statement jcl_statement_number is a DUMMY, DYNAM, SYSOUT=, SUBSYS=, or DSN=NULLFILE, which are not allowed by the utility program.

Corrective Action: Correct the DD statement.

CTJUVCE jcl_statement_number ERROR: DISP=disp is not allowed for DD statement dd_name by util_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that DD statement jcl_statement_number has DISP=NEW or DISP=MOD, which are not allowed by the utility program.

Corrective Action: Correct the DD statement.

CTJUVDI INFORMATION: util_name found number1 error and number2 warning messages

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify summarizes the number of error and warning messages found by the utility program.

Corrective Action: Correct the errors.

CTJUVEE util_name ERROR: Utility validation for current member is interrupted: time-out is reached

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify, running in the IOA Online Monitor, detects that another user of the utility validation, such as SORT, is holding the resource for more than 10 seconds.

Corrective Action: Try to run again.

CTJUVFE util_name ERROR: DD dd_name_1 and dd_name_2 are missing or DUMMY. One of them is required for utility

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the DD statements are missing, DUMMY, or NULLFILE.

Corrective Action: Add or correct the DD statements.

CTJUVGW jcl_statement_number WARNING: Data set cannot be accessed by userid - Utility util_name cannot be validated

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the user performing the validation cannot access the file in the DD statement jcl_statement_number.

Corrective Action: Contact the security administrator to get the required authorization for accessing the file.

CTJUVHE jcl_statement_number ERROR: member member_name does not exist. Utility util_name cannot be validated

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the member in the DD statement jcl_statement_number does not exist.

Corrective Action: Correct the DD statement.

CTJUVIE File does not exist or is invalid. Utility utility_name cannot be validated DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The variable term, utility_name, refers to the name of the utility being verified. For utility SYSIN or SYSTSIN, one of the following errors occurred:

Corrective Action: Correct the DD statement.

CTJUVJE util_name ERROR: Invalid keyword string

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the keyword keyword is not valid.

Corrective Action: Correct the keyword.

CTJUVKI util_name INFORMATION: duplicated keyword keyword - keyword is ignored

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that keyword keyword appears more than once in the statement or parameter list of the utility. The utility uses the first keyword and ignores all its duplications.

Corrective Action: Remove all the unnecessary keywords.

CTJUVLE util_name ERROR: Invalid data in keyword string

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that keyword keyword has invalid data.

Corrective Action: Correct the data in the keyword.

CTJUVNE util_name ERROR: The above string statement is not valid.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the statement above contains an invalid keyword.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement using a valid keyword.

CTJUVOE util_name ERROR: A control statement COPY, COPYGRP, COPYMOD or ALTERMOD must be before the above statement

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that statement above (INDD, SELECT or EXCLUDE) requires a copy or ALTERMOD statement before it.

Corrective Action: Add the missing control statement or remove the existing statement above.

CTJUVPI util_name INFORMATION: Using PARM= with a copy option. SYSIN is ignored.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that PARM= in the EXEC JCL statement contains the copy option; therefore the SYSIN statement is ignored.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUVQI util_name INFORMATION: DD statement in the SYSIN concatenation or one of the SYSIN files is a DUMMY DD statement or DSN=NULLFILE. All the following DD statements are ignored.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that one of the DD statements in the SYSIN concatenation or in one the of SYSIN files is a DUMMY or DSN=NULLFILE. All the following DD statements are ignored.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUVRE util_name ERROR: Unknown Control statement statement - Statement is ignored

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects an unknown control statement.

Corrective Action: Correct the DD statement.

CTJUVSE util_name ERROR: Missing required DD DD for command_type

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects a command_type or operand that needs a DD statement.

Corrective Action: Add the missing DD statement.

CTJUVTE util_name ERROR: After standalone command command, the next COPY command is ignored

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects a standalone command, therefore the next COPY command is ignored.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUVUE util_name ERROR: After the previous statement, all standalone COPY type commands are ignored

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that all the standalone COPY commands will be rejected, as a result of the previous control statement.

Corrective Action: Remove the standalone commands.

CTJUVVE util_name ERROR: Unknown Operand Opr - Statement is ignored

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects an unknown Opr.

Corrective Action: Correct the operand statement.

CTJUVWE util_name ERROR: Null Operand Opr - Statement is ignored

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects a NULL operand.

Corrective Action: Correct the operand statement.

CTJUVXE util_name ERROR: The above statement has an invalid continuation. Statement is ignored.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects an invalid continuation, and therefore the statement is ignored.

Corrective Action: Correct the continuation statement.

CTJUVYI util_name Validate SYSIN type/num contains num records from src

Explanation: The message is issued as a heading summary of the SYSIN type, with the number of records, and the source of the records that Control-M/JCL Verify has checked.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUVZs util_name echo

Explanation: The message is issued as an echo of the statement checked by Control-M/JCL Verify. The suffix (s) of the message, E, I, or W, describes the its severity.

Note: the suffixes of the message are:

Corrective Action: If the message is CTJUVZI, no action is required. Otherwise perform the required process to correct the error or ignore the warning message.

CTJUW0I util_name INFORMATION: IEBCOPY will use minimum block size of minblk and maximum block size of maxblk.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify verifies a COPYMOD command that has MINBLK and MAXBLK. The message indicates the minimum and maximum block sizes that the COPYMOD will use during run time.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUW1W util_name WARNING: MAXBLK value is too small maxblk. IEBCOPY will use the default of 1024

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the COPYMOD command has a MAXBLK value that is less than 1024.

Corrective Action: Correct the MAXBLK value.

CTJUW2W util_name WARNING: MAXBLK value (maxblk) is above the limit. IEBCOPY will use the optimum maximum block size for the device.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the COPYMOD command has a MAXBLK value that is higher than the maximum block size for the device.

Corrective Action: Correct the MAXBLK value.

CTJUW3E util_name ERROR: Operand Opr is not valid in statement statement.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the operand in the command statement is not valid.

Corrective Action: Remove the operand.

CTJUW4E util_name ERROR: Statement EXCLUDE is not supported by COPYGRP

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects an EXCLUDE statement together with COPYGRP.

Corrective Action: Remove the EXCLUDE statement.

CTJUW5I util_name IEBCOPY will use minimum block size of minblk and the optimum maximum block size for the device.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify verifies a COPYMOD command that has MINBLK. The message indicates the minimum and maximum block sizes that the COPYMOD will use during run time.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUW6W util_name WARNING: MAXBLK maxblk is lower than MINBLK minblk. MINBLK will be use as MAXBLK.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify verifies a COPYMOD command that has a MAXBLK value that is smaller than the MINBLK value.

Corrective Action: Correct the MAXBLK value.

CTJUW7W util_name WARNING: Dataset DD DD does not exist. DSN=dataset_name.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that a required file, specified in a DD statement for the COPY or ALTERMOD command, does not exist.

Corrective Action: Correct the file name.

CTJUW8E jcl_statement_number ERROR: RECFM 'U' required with command for ddname ddname

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects the use of DD with RECFM, different from 'U' with control statement ALTERMOD or COPYMOD.

Corrective Action: Correct the DD statement.

CTJUW9E util_name ERROR: Concatenation is not allowed DD ddname.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects concatenation while it is not allowed.

Corrective Action: Delete the concatenation.

CTJUWAE util_name ERROR: DSORG 'PO' required with ALTERMOD for ddname ddname.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the DD is not a PDS.

Corrective Action: Correct the DD name.

CTJUWBE util_name ERROR: The above statement has unequal parentheses.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that statement has unequal parentheses.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement.

CTJUWCE util_name ERROR: No mixing of SELECT and EXCLUDE in same copy step

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that SELECT and EXCLUDE are mixed in same copy command.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement.

CTJUWDW util_name WARNING: Compress is ignored when copy step with SELECT

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects a compress command in a copy step, which contains SELECT.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement.

CTJUWEE util_name ERROR: RENAME and REPLACE are not allowed in EXCLUDE command

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects RENAME and REPLACE in an EXCLUDE command.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement.

CTJUWFW util_name WARNING: Found duplicate member name member_name - member will not be copied.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects a duplicated member name member_name.

Corrective Action: Remove the duplicated members.

CTJUWGW util_name WARNING: Found old member name member_name and new member name are the same. Member will not be copied.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the old member name and the new member name in the SELECT statement are the same. Therefore the member will not be copied.

Corrective Action: Change the old or the new member name.

CTJUWHE util_name ERROR: Invalid member name member_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects invalid member_name name.

Corrective Action: Correct the member name.

CTJUWIE util_name ERROR: Statement statement has no operand.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects a statement without an operand.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement.

CTJUWJE util_name Duplicate keyword keyword

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects a duplicated keyword.

Corrective Action: Remove the duplicated keyword.

CTJUWKE util_name ERROR: Missing mandatory keyword keyword in the above statement

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that a mandatory keyword is missing in the above statement.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement.

CTJUWLE util_name ERROR: INVALID REPLACE SPECIFIED - Statement is ignored

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that a member contains an invalid REPLACE (R) operator.

Corrective Action: Change the REPLACE operator to "R".

CTJUWME util_name ERROR: REPLACE is not allowed in command

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that a member contains a REPLACE (R) operator as part of ALTERGRP or COPYGRP.

Corrective Action: Remove the REPLACE operator.

CTJUWNE util_name ERROR: COPYMOD - INDD can not equal OUTDD. DDNAMEs are dd_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that that in the COPYMOD statement, the INDD and OUTDD are the same DD name.

Corrective Action: Change the INDD or OUTDD.

CTJUWOE util_name ERROR: COPYMOD - INDD in_dd_name and OUTDD out_dd_name have the same DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that in the COPYMOD statement, the INDD and OUTDD use the same dataset.

Corrective Action: Change the DSN (dataset name) INDD or OUTDD.

CTJUWPE util_name ERROR: return_code - reason_code DSORG is not valid. File must have DSORG=dsorg_type

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the DDNAME's DSORG is not valid for the command performed by the utility.

Corrective Action: Correct the data set with the required DSORG specification.

CTJUWQE jcl_statement_number ERROR: util_name - dd_name file is PDS or PDSE but member is missing. DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the file is a PDS or PDSE but no member name was specified in the DSN=dataset_name or the member related statement or keyword is missing in the util_name.

Corrective Action: Add the member name in the dataset_name or the util_name statement

CTJUWRE jcl_statement_number ERROR: command - ddname RECFM recfm is not valid or missing.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify either detects that the ddname's RECFM is not valid for this utility, or that the file is a DUMMY file and the RECFM is missing.

Corrective Action: Either correct the DSN so that it has a valid RECFM, or for a DUMMY file, ensure that it has a valid RECFM.

CTJUWSE util_name ERROR: RECFM INCOMPATIBLE - INDD in_dd_name RECFM recfm OUTDD out_dd_name RECFM recfm

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the INDD and OUTDD attributes are incompatible.

Corrective Action: Correct the files attributes.

CTJUWTE jcl_statement_number ERROR: RECORD length value inconsistent with BLOCK size value for RECFM=record_format

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the file jcl_statement_number LRECL value and the BLKSIZE value are incompatible with the record format's rule. This can be lead to I/O errors (ABEND) when the utility writes to the file.

The values for LRECL, BLKSIZE, or RECFM can be specified in the JCL statement or copied from the INDD file.

Corrective Action: Correct the files attributes.

CTJUWUE util_name ERROR: Multiple INDD invalid for command

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that there are multiple INDDs, which are invalid for the same command.

Corrective Action: Remove the multiple INDDs, or change them so each INDD is part of a different COPYGRP or COPYGROUP statement.

CTJUWVI util_name INFORMATION: operand is not a PDS. DD=ddname DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the file is not a PDS or PDSE. If the file is an INDD, IEBCOPY performs a restore. Otherwise IEBCOPY performs a backup.

Note: IEBCOPY might ignore the DCB parameters in the JCL or file, and instead determine the attributes using the process and file contents.

Corrective Action: No action is required.


Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the DCB attributes of the OUTPUT file are not all set, and IEBCOPY will complete the attributes from the first input file.

Corrective Action: If the DCB attributes are not specified as required, set the RECFM, LRECL, or BLKSIZE values in the JCL definition of the OUTPUT file.

CTJUWXI jcl_statement_number INFORMATION: command for file type type is not relevant

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that command is for a file type that is not relevant.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJUWYE util_name ERROR: Invalid new member name string

Explanation: Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the new member name string in the MEMBER operand is invalid.

Corrective Action: Correct the member name.

CTJUWZI jcl_statement_number INFORMATION: File Access(FA), File Verification(FV) or Module Existence(ME) disabled. Utility cannot be verified.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that one one or more of the following functions, File Access (FA), File Verification (FV), and Module Existence (FE), which are required for the utility validation, are not active. Therefore, the utility cannot be validated.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the IOA Security is installed and active, and then set the parameters as follows: FA=Y, FV=Y, and ME=Y.

CTJUX0E jcl_statement_number ERROR: Member masking is not supported by statement statement

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that MEMBER contains a masking pattern. MEMBER masking is supported only by COPYGROUP, which was introduced in IEBCOPY in z/OS V2.1.

Corrective Action: Correct the member.

CTJUX1E jcl_statement_number ERROR: COPYGROUP supports EXCLUDE only after SELECT statement

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that an EXCLUDE statement occurs before a SELECT statement.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement.

CTJUX2E jcl_statement_number ERROR: NEW NAME is not allowed with member masking. MEMBER= member_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that MEMBER contains a masking patttern. MEMBER masking is supported only by COPYGROUP, which was introduced in IEBCOPY in z/OS V2.1.

Corrective Action: Correct the member name.

CTJUX3W util_name WARNING: operand request number-1 using number-2

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify verifies a COPYMOD command that has a MAXBLK or MINBLK, which is not set according to the assignment in the statement.

The reasons might be:

Note: If Control-M/JCL Verify cannot determine the OUTDD BLOCK SIZE, the maximum value allowed is 32760.

Corrective Action: Adjust the MAXBLK or MINBLK values.

CTJUX4I util_name INFORMATION: operand value number1 is above the limit. IEBCOPY will use number2

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects COPYMOD command has operand (MAXBLK or MINBLK) that is higher than maximum block allowed (32760).

Corrective Action: Correct the MAXBLK value.

CTJUX5I util_name INFORMATION: operand value number1 is below the limit. IEBCOPY will use number2

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects COPYMOD command has operand (MAXBLK or MINBLK) that is lower than minimum block size allowed (1024).

Corrective Action: Correct the MINBLK value.

CTJUX6E util_name ERROR: DD ddname DSN is a PDS with member, but this member does not exist.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the utility refers to a DD with a DSN referencing a PDS or PDS/E with the member member. However, the member member does not exist, and as result, the utility might fail because of an OPEN error.

Corrective Action: Correct JCL if necessary.

CTJUX7W util_name WARNING: The following FILE cannot be read. Member member DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the file cannot be read. This problem might occur if the file validation is not completed.

Corrective Action: Turn on the dataset verification or check why the file cannot be read and correct it. Then perform the verification again.

CTJUX8I util_name ddname is not available. Utility cannot be validated.

Explanation: A utility control statement file (SYSIN, SYSTSIN or DFSPARM DD) specifies DISP=SHR, but the file was created in a previous step. Since it does not yet exist it cannot be verified.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

Parent Topic

CTJ messages