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Messages CTJS00 through CTJSxx

This group includes messages for Control-M/JCL Verify products.

CTJS00I INFORMATION: JCL contains no errors

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify does not detect any errors in the JCL.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJS01E ERROR: JCL errors found

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects errors in the JCL.

Corrective Action: Read the error messages to determine the problem.


Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify is unable to open the JES2 or JES3 PROCLIB library, indicated by the ddname DD statement, to access the JCL procedure.

Corrective Action: Check previous messages and additional messages in the JOBLOG.

CTJS03E ERROR: Invalid or missing JOB statement

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the JCL contains an invalid or missing JOB statement.

Corrective Action: Correct the JOB statement or add one in the JCL member.

CTJS04E Invalid parameter list

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify receives an invalid parameter list.

Corrective Action: Contact BMC Customer Support.

CTJS05E ERROR: Converter/Interpreter failure

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify had an internal failure.

Corrective Action: Contact BMC Customer Support.

CTJS06E jcl_statement_number ERROR: Invalid REFERBACK in the DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects an error with the BACK REFERENCE in the DSN keyword.

Corrective Action: Check the BACK REFERENCE DD statement to determine the problem.

CTJS07E jcl_statement_number ERROR: Invalid REFERBACK in the VOL=REF=string

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects an error with the BACK REFERENCE in the VOL=REF keyword.

Corrective Action: Check the BACK REFERENCE DD statement to determine the problem.

CTJS08E jcl_statement_number ERROR: Invalid REFERBACK in the UNIT=AFF=string

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects an error with the BACK REFERENCE in the UNIT=AFF keyword.

Corrective Action: Check the BACK REFERENCE DD statement to determine the problem.

CTJS09E jcl_statement_number ERROR: Invalid REFERBACK in the PGM=string

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects an error with the BACK REFERENCE in the PGM= keyword.

Corrective Action: Check the BACK REFERENCE DD statement to determine the problem.

CTJS0AI jcl_statement_number INFORMATION: DDNAME ddname previously allocated in this step

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the specified DDNAME was previously allocated in the STEP.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJS0BE jcl_statement_number ERROR: Invalid REFERBACK in the DCB=string

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects an error with the BACK REFERENCE in the DCB= keyword.

Corrective Action: Check the BACK REFERENCE DD statement to determine the problem.

CTJS0CW jcl_statement_number WARNING: Inconsistent dataset type and directory block specification

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the user specified DSORG=PO without the directory block parameter.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJS0DW jcl_statement_number WARNING: Record length of zero is only valid if RECFM=U

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the user specified LRECL=0 with RECFM=U.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJS0EW jcl_statement_number WARNING: Block size must be a multiple of record length for RECFM=FB

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the user specified LRECL=0 with RECFM set to a value other than U.

Corrective Action: Change the LRECL setting, or set RECFM=U, and rerun job verification.

CTJS0FW jcl_statement_number WARNING: Record length must equal blocksize for RECFM=F

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the user specified LRECL=BLKSIZE with RECFM=F.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJS0GW jcl_statement_number WARNING: Record length must be less than block size for RECFM=F

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the user specified LRECL with a value greater than BLKSIZE for RECFM=F.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJS0HW jcl_statement_number WARNING: Block size inconsistent with record size for RECFM=V

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the user specified LRECL with a value greater than (BLKSIZE-4) for RECFM=F.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJS0II jcl_statement_number INFORMATION: Block size zero or missing, will be set by the system

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the block size setting is missing or the block size is set to zero.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJS0JI jcl_statement_number INFORMATION: Unable to open PROCLIB DD statement

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify is unable to open the JES2 or JES3 PROCLIB library, indicated by the ddname DD statement, to access the JCL procedure.

Corrective Action: Check previous messages and additional messages in the JOBLOG.


Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the user specified DSORG=PS for the directory block.

Corrective Action: Correct the statement.


Explanation: Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the user specified DUMMY or NULLFILE within the SYSCHK DD card.

Corrective Action: Fix the problematic statement.


Explanation: Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the user specified DISP=NEW within the SYSCHECK DD card.

Corrective Action: Fix the problematic statement.


Explanation: Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the user specified VSAM or PDSE DATASET within the SYSCHK DD card.

Corrective Action: Fix the problematic statement.


Explanation: Control-M/JCL Verify detected that the user specified an invalid data set name within the DCB keyword.

Corrective Action: Fix the problematic statement.

CTJSA0S IOA security is disabled. Access validation is disabled.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects during initialization that the IOA security is either disabled or not installed. Therefore, the Control-M/JCL Verify file access validation feature is disabled.

Corrective Action: Contact your IOA administrator to ensure that IOA security is installed and enabled.

CTJSA1E ERROR: Permission to access was not granted for DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the user that performs the verification does not have READ access to the JCL library that contains the jobs being verified. The verification request is aborted.

Corrective Action: Verify that the provided user has READ access to the JCL library.

CTJSA2W jcl_statement_number WARNING: Permission to READ was not granted for DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that read access was not granted to the provided user for the indicated dataset.

Corrective Action: Verify that the correct user is being used and that the user is allowed to read the dataset.

CTJSA3W jcl_statement_number WARNING: Permission to UPDATE was not granted for DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that update access was not granted to the provided user for the indicated dataset.

Corrective Action: Verify that the correct user is being used and that the user is allowed to update the dataset.

CTJSA4S jcl_statement_number WARNING: No authorization to commit a security query. DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that authority for committing a security query was not granted to the provided user for the indicated dataset.

Corrective Action: Check if the STEPLIB or JOBLIB library are APF authorized. Retry, and if the problem is not solved, call BMC Customer Support.

CTJSA5W jcl_statement_number WARNING: Permission to delete was not granted for DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that ALTER access was not granted to the provided user for the indicated dataset and therefore the user cannot delete the dataset.

Corrective Action: Verify that the correct user is being used and that the user has ALTER authority for the dataset.

CTJSA6W jcl_statement_number WARNING: Permission to UNCATLG was not granted for DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that ALTER access was not granted to the provided user for the indicated dataset and therefore the user cannot uncatalog the dataset.

Corrective Action: Verify that the correct user is being used and that the user is allowed to uncatalog the dataset.

CTJSA7W WARNING: The provided user is not defined. USERID=user_ID

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the provided user is not defined in the SECURITY package (CA-ACF2, CA/Top Secrete or IBM RACF).

Corrective Action: Verify that the correct user is being used.

CTJSA8W Access validation check cannot be performed by Control-M/JCL Verify

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the provided user does not have a valid user ID and therefore the access validation check cannot be performed.

Corrective Action: Check for previous messages in the SYSPRINT or JOBLOG.

CTJSA9I Access Verification USERID is changed from string_1 to string_2

Explanation: Control-M/JCL Verify displays this message when the access verification user ID has been changed to the user ID that appears in the scanned job statement.

Corrective Action: No action is required.


Explanation: Control-M/JCL Verify displays this message when the scheduling environment, defined in the JOB statement parameter SCHENV=xxx, exists in the WLM definition, but it is not available for this system.

Corrective Action: Check and correct the SCHENV parameter in the JOB statement.


Explanation: Control-M/JCL Verify displays this message when the scheduling environment, defined in the JOB statement parameter SCHENV=xxx, does not exist in the WLM service definition.

Corrective Action: Check and correct the SCHENV parameter in the JOB statement.

CTJSACE Missing required DD DDname for PARMDD PARAMETER

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the PARMDD PARAMETER in the EXEC statement points to a missing DD statement.

Corrective Action: Check and correct the PARMDD parameter in the EXEC statement.

CTJSADE Job might fail to open PARMDD dataset

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the dataset associated with the PARMDD=DDname cannot be opened. It might be because the specified dataset has an incompatible dataset organization or record format.

Corrective Action: Check and correct the PARMDD parameter in the EXEC statement.


Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the dataset associated with the DDname specified in the PARMDD=keyword EXEC statement contains a parameter string that exceeds 32760 bytes in length.

Corrective Action: Check and correct the PARMDD parameter in the EXEC statement.


CTJSAGW jcl_statement_number WARNING: Access was not granted for DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that access was not granted to the provided user for the indicated dataset.

Corrective Action: Verify that the provided user has sufficient authority for the dataset.

CTJSAHE ERROR: SYSTEM/SYSAFF invalid, begins with "-" on second or later value

CTJSAOE ERROR: User not authorized for JCLLIB dataset_name

Explanation: The user does not have read access to a dataset specified in the JCLLIB statement. Procedures or include members from this dataset cannot be accessed. If the job is submitted, it will result in an abend S913.

Corrective Action: Verify that the user who performs the verification has read access to all the datasets specified in the JCLLIB statement.

CTJSR0E %%$SYSINREAD ended with RC=08

Explanation: The message is issued when a Control-M/JCL Verify rule invokes the %%$SYSINREAD function on the dsn dataset, but the data is not read.

Corrective Action: Refer to previous messages for more details why the data was not read.

CTJSR4I INFORMATION: DCB dsorg dsorg not supported by %%$SYSINREAD. DSN=dsn

Explanation: The message is issued when a Control-M/JCL Verify rule invokes the %%$SYSINREAD function on the dsn dataset, but the dsorg of the file is not supported by %%$SYSINREAD. Only DSORG PS or PO (PDS or PDSE) are supported.

Corrective Action: Correct the verification rule to skip invoking %%$SYSINREAD for such cases.

CTJSR6I INFORMATION: New GDS file is not supported by %%$SYSINREAD. DSN=dsn

Explanation: The message is issued when a Control-M/JCL Verify rule invokes the %%$SYSINREAD function on the dsn dataset, which is a GDS file created in a previous step. Since the contents of a new GDG file created by a previous step is not available until after the actual JOB execution, %%$SYSINREAD cannot read it.

Corrective Action: Correct the verification rule so it skips the %%$SYSINREAD function for a new GDS file, which is created in a previous step in the verified job.

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CTJ messages