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Messages CTJ400 through CTJ4xx

This group includes messages for Control-M/JCL Verify products.

CTJ401E Rule Error: Type 1 invalid

Explanation: During scanning of the rule member, type 1 is detected, which is not one of the valid types.

Corrective Action: Change the rule using the online interface.

CTJ402E Rule Error: Type 2 invalid when type 1 is R

Explanation: During scanning of the rule member, type 1 is detected, which is not one of the valid types.

Corrective Action: Change the rule using the online interface.

CTJ403E Rule Error: ON_RULE cards not in order

Explanation: During scanning of the rule member, an ON_RULE statement with an invalid type was detected.

Corrective Action: Changethe rule using the online interface.

CTJ404E Rule Error: ON criteria type is invalid

Explanation: During scanning of the rule member, an ON critera statement with an invalid type was detected.

Corrective Action: Change the rule using the online interface.

CTJ405E Rule Error: ON criteria Type 3 invalid

Explanation: During scanning of the rule member, an ON criteria Type 3 statement with an invalid type was detected.

Corrective Action: Change the rule using the online interface.

CTJ406E Rule Error: ON criteria DDNAME card is missing

Explanation: During scanning of the rule member, missing card with DD not provided.

Corrective Action: Change the rule using the online interface.

CTJ407E Rule Error: DO_BLOCK type 2 is invalid

Explanation: During scanning of the rule member, type 2 of DO_BLOCK is not among valid types.

Corrective Action: Change the rule using the online interface.

CTJ408E Rule Error: DO_IF_BLOCK type 3 is invalid

Explanation: During scanning of the rule member, type 3 of DO IF is not among valid types.

Corrective Action: Change the rule using the online interface.

CTJ409E Rule Error: RETURN/REASON code not numeric/hexadecimal

Explanation: During scanning of the rule member a DO RETURN or EXIT return or reason code that is not numeric/hexadecimal respectively was detected.

Corrective Action: Change the RETURN/REASON code using the online interface.

CTJ40AE Rule Error: DO ELSE/END without previous DO IF

Explanation: During scanning of the rule member, a DO ELSE or DO END without a preceding DO IF was detected.

Corrective Action: Change the DO-IF logic in the rule using the online interface.

CTJ40BI Rule Error: string

Explanation: This message follows a rule error message and indicates the erroneous card.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJ40CI Rule Loading. Member:member_name, Rule:rule_name

Explanation: Indicates loading of rule member.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJ40DE Insufficient Storage

Explanation: Indicates that the rule buffer is not large enough.

Corrective Action: Consult with your z/OS system administrator.

CTJ40EE Abend S0abend_code at offset: offset in program code. Run string

Explanation: The CTJx11x program captured an abend S0Cxx.

Corrective Action: Report this message to your system administrator.

CTJ40FE RULES segments exceeds maximum

Explanation: The RULES segment exceeds maximum abend S0Cxx.

Corrective Action: Consult with your z/OS system administrator.

CTJ40GI string data pools has been successfuly released

Explanation: At least one segment of RULES/Shared Memory data pool has been released.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

Parent Topic

CTJ messages