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Messages CTJ200 through CTJ2xx

This group includes messages for Control-M/JCL Verify products.

CTJ200I Function function_name is Starting Level level_id APAR:apar_id

Explanation: The message is issued when the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor starts executing REFRESH, REMOVE, or REMOVEF processing. For more information see Chapter 13, "Improving performance."

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJ201E ERROR: string tables were not initiated

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the shared tables were not initiated.

Corrective Action: Issue the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor MODIFY command with the REFRESH function.

CTJ202I Shared INFO does not exist. Issue Modify command 'REFRESH,SCOPE=ALL' for CTJ monitor.

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify detects that the shared tables were not initiated.

Corrective Action: Issue the MODIFY command 'REFRESH,SCOPE=ALL' for the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor.

CTJ203E ERROR: Storage not available Return Code:return_code, Reason:reason_code

Explanation: The message is issued when the application cannot allocate memory objects. The return and reason codes indicates those returned by the IARV64 system service.

Corrective Action: Check the IARV64 return and reason codes in the IBM MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference.

CTJ204E ERROR: JES sub-system is not available

Explanation: The message is issued when the application cannot locate the JES Sub-System in the sub-system table.

Corrective Action: Consult with your z/OS system administrator.

CTJ205E ERROR: string tables cannot be accessed. Return Code:return_code

Explanation: The message is issued when the application cannot access the JES2 or JES3 data areas due to ALESERV failure.

Corrective Action: Consult with your z/OS system administrator.

CTJ206E ERROR: Sub-System internal error

Explanation: The message is issued when the JES data area does not contain the expected information.

Corrective Action: This is an internal error. Retry the process and if the problem reoccurs, call BMC Customer Support.

CTJ207E ERROR: Sub-System failure. Return Codes:return_code - reason_code

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify calls the JES subsystem and the JES response is not 0.

Corrective Action: Verify that the JES2 or JES3 is active. If the JES2 or JES3 is active, retry the process again. If the problem reoccurs, check the IEFSSREQ return and reason codes in the IBM MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference.

CTJ208E ERROR: Function function_name input parameters invalid. RC=return_code

Explanation: The message is issued because the input parameters supplied to the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor in the REFRESH, REMOVE, or REMOVEF MODIFY request are invalid.

Corrective Action: Correct the parameter and reissue the MODIFY command for the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor. The valid command is
The abbreviations REF/REM/REMF can be used instead of the REFRESH/ REMOVE/REMOVEF keywords.

CTJ209E ERROR: STEPLIB dataset is not a library, DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when Control-M/JCL Verify accepts a file as a LINK-LIST library, but it is not a library.

Corrective Action: Correct the JCL statement and rerun job verification.

CTJ20AI CTJ monitor Function function_name Scope string ended - RC=return_code

Explanation: The message is issued when the processing of the REFERESH, REMOVE, or REMOVEF MODIFY command by the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor finishes.

Corrective Action: If RC is greater than 0, check for previous messages.

CTJ20BI Control-M/JCL Verify Data Pool was created successfully

Explanation: The message is issued after the searching routine loads its table successfully.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJ20CE Data Pools were not created

Explanation: The message is issued if the searching routine is unsuccessful in loading its table.

Corrective Action: Check for previous messages and make the necessary corrections.

CTJ20DW Data Pool is in use and was not removed. SCOPE=string

Explanation: The message is issued while removing old data pools and one of the data pools is in use.

Corrective Action: Reissue the MODIFY command 'REMOVE' for the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor, provided that no user is currently performing a JCL verification.

CTJ20EW JES search table string not recognized

Explanation: The message is issued while removing old shared pools and one of the shared pools is in use.

Corrective Action: Reissue the MODIFY command 'REMOVE' for the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor, provided that no user is currently performing a JCL verification.

CTJ20FE Control-M/JCL Verify system anchor was not created. RC=return_code

Explanation: The message is issued if the MODIFY command 'REMOVE' for the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor is submitted before the MODIFY command 'REFRESH' was issued to create the shared tables, and therefore there is nothing to remove.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

CTJ20GE ERROR: string library info cannot be obtained for library_name

Explanation: The message is issued when the CTJSHRM tries to assign a new entry in SMC, and there is no available entry.

Corrective Action: Issue the MODIFY command 'REMOVE' for the Control-M/JCL Verify monitor. If it does not help, issue the MODIFY command 'REMOVEF' and then issue the MODIFY command 'REFRESH'.

CTJ20HE Number of tasks exceeds

Explanation: The message is issued when the CTJSHRM tries to assign a new entry in SMC, and there is no available entry.

Corrective Action: Consult with your z/OS system administrator.

CTJ20IE internal error: Shared Memory Object was not found

Explanation: The message is issued when supposed pointer of SMC is null.

Corrective Action: Consult with your z/OS system administrator.

CTJ20JE CTJSHRM - Not Enough Memory. STORAGE RC=return_code

Explanation: The message is issued when the CTJSHRM tries to assign a new entry in SMC, and there is no available entry.

Corrective Action: Consult with your z/OS system administrator.

CTJ20KE PDS pds_name cannot be accessed due to authorization issue

Explanation: The message is issued when trying to read STEPLIB/JOBLIB/ LINKLIST library and the OPEN INPUT got S913 (Access not permitted).

Corrective Action: Grant READ permission to the mentioned PDS.

CTJ20LW WARNING: Library volume volume_id cannot be accessed DSN=dataset_name

Explanation: The message is issued when a VOLSER of STEPLIB/JOBLIB/ LINKLIST library is not mounted.

Corrective Action: Check the volume existence mentioned in the message.

CTJ20ME Syntax error during CTJPRC parsing. Line:line_number

Explanation: The message is issued during parsing of the procedure libraries according to the rules defined in the CTJPRC member.

Corrective Action: Check syntax of CTJPRC and recode it according to the syntax rules.

CTJ20NE Unrecognized System Variable Name:variable _name

Explanation: The message is issued during parsing of the procedure libraries which contain a variable that is not among the system variable names.

Corrective Action: Check the name preceded by '&'. Recode it, or remove.

CTJ20OI Procedure Library was not Found. Library:library

Explanation: The message is issued when trying to LOCATE a procedure library in the catalog fails.

Corrective Action: Check the PROCLIBs in CTJPRC for its existence.

CTJ20PE No JES Procedure libraries provided with string DD name

Explanation: The message is issued when trying to LOCATE a procedure library in the catalog fails.

Corrective Action: Create CTJPRC, according the rules.

CTJ20QI INFORMATION: LLA Library is not authorized for reading

Explanation: The message is issued when security check for reading failed.

Corrective Action: Grant READ permission to all LINK-LIST libraries.

CTJ20RE CTJ monitor utility is already running. Execution aborted.

Explanation: The message is issued when two Control-M/JCL Verify monitors are running in the same system.

Corrective Action: Wait until the other run of Control-M/JCL Verify monitor terminates.

CTJ20SE Rule List member member_name is empty

Explanation: The message is issued when the member containing the list of rules is empty.

Corrective Action: Create the rule list.

CTJ20TW Member member_name: Line number will be ignored due to invalid syntax.

Explanation: The message is issued when member CTJALUT contains an invalid alias definition in a certain line.

Corrective Action: Correct the CTJALUT member.

CTJ20UW Member CTJJ2G: Line line_number will be ignored due to invalid syntax.

Explanation: The message is issued when the CTJJ2G member contains an invalid definition in line number line_number.

Corrective Action: Correct the CTJJ2G member.

CTJ20VW Member CTJJ2G does not contain any valid uncommented entries or does not exist

Explanation: The message is issued when the CTJJ2G member does not contain any valid non-commented entries or does not exist.

Corrective Action: See Corrective Action for the CTJ20WW message.

CTJ20WW Auto Routing of JCL with JES NODES via IOAGATE will not be performed

Explanation: Auto Routing via IOAGATE requires a mapping between JES NODES and IOAGATE NODES. Such a mapping is defined in the CTJJ2G member.

Corrective Action: If Auto Routing via IOAGATE is required then correct or create a CTJJ2G member with valid entries in the olprefj.PARM library.

CTJ20XW Error loading member CTJJ2G. RC=return_code RSN=reason_code

Explanation: The message is issued when the CTJJ2G member could not be loaded.


return_code - the return code from the IOAMEM program

reason_code - the reason code from the IOAMEM program

The return and reason codes are documented in the description of the IOAMEM Assembler Macro in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Corrective Action: Correct the error.


Explanation: The message is issued when the JCL includes a JES node name or number that was not found.

Corrective Action: Contact BMC support.


Explanation: The message is issued when the JCL includes a JES DESTID that was not found.

Corrective Action: Contact BMC support.

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CTJ messages