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Step 3.1 – Create Cloning Package data set

Select the step to submit the job IOACJPKG that builds the Cloning Package. This job invokes IBM DFDSS utility to pack the relevant files in the IOA source environment into the Cloning Package data set. The name of the Cloning Package data set is defined in the job JCL variable DSN. The default package data set name has the following format: ilprefa.Pmmddsss where: mm = month (from 01 to 12), dd = day of month (from 01 to 31); sss = are the first three digits of the 5-digit number of seconds since 12:00 midnight (from 000 to 863). The maximum return code for successfully running IOACJPKG job is 4.

Note: Depending on the selected cloning type (LOCAL or REMOTE), continue with Step 4 – Create LOCAL target environment or Step 5 – Create REMOTE target environment.

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Step 3 – Create Cloning Package data set