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Step 2.1 – Specify parameters for Target env.

Specify parameters of the target cloned environment. The step consists of the following parameter entry panels:

Navigate between the panels using the PF10 and PF11 keys. The Allocation Attributes Entry panel is displayed only if the CLALLOC cloning parameter is set to Y.

For a more powerful Find/Replace action when specifying parameters for the target cloned environment, you can use the CHANGE (or C) command in the command line. This is especially useful when you want to replace a prefix from the source environment with the prefix of the target environment. The CHANGE command is available on all panels in this step except for the Products and Sizes panel. The CHANGE command can be used in two modes:


Syntax and example

Change the first occurrence of a string

CHANGE oldString newString

For example:

Command ===> CHANGE SYS1 SYS2

Change all occurrences of a string in the panel

CHANGE oldString newString ALL

For example:

Command ===> CHANGE SYS1 SYS2 ALL

A message is displayed, notifying you how many occurrences of the string have been replaced.

Note: If you receive a validation error after entering the command, you can either correct the error and press Enter to continue CHANGE command processing or press PF4 to cancel all changes

For the full list of target environment parameters that can be defined in this step, see Target environment parameters.

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Step 2 – Specify parameters for Target environment