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Step 1.2 – Provide Cloning specifications

Define the type of the cloning process and characteristics of the cloned environment:




Target Environment ID.

The ID of the target cloned IOA environment.

  • Valid values: A string of alphanumeric characters and special characters ($, #, and @). Must begin with a letter.
  • Maximum: 8 characters.


Target Environment description.

The description of the target cloned IOA environment.


Clone Local/Remote (L/R)

The parameter defines the type of cloning process:

  • Local - Cloning the existing IOA environment on the same MVS system.
  • Remote - Cloning the existing IOA environment to another MVS system. There is no shared DASD environment.


Clone user data (N/Y)

The parameter defines whether user data will be cloned or not.


Clone SMP/E data (N/Y)

The parameter defines whether the cloned environment will be SMP/E managed or not.


Settings Allocation attributes (N/Y)

The parameter defines whether the cloned environment data sets allocation attributes will be defined during the cloning process, or SMS rules of the target LPAR will be used for data sets allocation.

Parent Topic

Step 1 – Provide parameters for Cloning Process