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Parameters Unique to PDF Report Cliques

Report Clique parameters that are unique to PDF reports are described in the following table.

Note: The Decollation by bookmarks option, listed in the following table, enables the decollation of PDF reports from bookmarks with or without text decollation. If PDF reports are decollated from bookmarks only, there will be a significant reduction in CPU time for the decollation.

To further reduce the CPU time for decollation, a text region in the decollated page can be defined, using the Decollation region options (listed in the table below) by defining the first and last rows and columns. This feature improves the decollation time when the specified region is smaller than the page.

If one of the Decollation region option parameters (first line, last line, first column, or last column) equals zero, then the decollation works for the full text on the page. If all of these parameters are set to zero, the decollation works like in previous versions.

Table 155b General Parameters—Unique to PDF Report Cliques

Name of Parameter in the DO Screen

Name of Parameter Specified in the TRANSTO Member


Default Resource Directory


Full paths of a directory that contains all default resources.

WIN(windows full path),UNIX(unix full path)


This parameter is not valid for OS/390

PDF Document Options


This parameter is used for special handling of PDF files.

The format is: TET=(...tet parms...),PDI=(...pdi parms...)

For backwards compatibility, if the parameters are specified without the prefix (TET or PDI), they are parameters for TET.


  • To support decollation of a PDF report where the fonts use algorithmic glyph names of the form cXX (where XX is a decimal number), add the following:

    TET=(glyphmapping={{fontname=T* glyphrule={prefix=c base=dec encoding=winansi}}});

  • To be able to work with some malformed Pdf files, add the following:


    Use only if requested by BMC Customer Support.


PDF Size In Memory in MB bytes


The size of a memory that can be used by the transformer to load the PDF report into memory. PDF files that will use more memory, if loaded, will not be loaded to memory, and will use a callback algorithm during decollation. The number specified is in M Bytes. PDF reports that are up to the specified number of MB will be loaded to memory.

Range: 0 to 99999

Default: 0 - use callback for all files.

PDF Interactive Elements


A list of supported interactive elements' types that exist in the original PDF report, and will be included as part of the PDF page, during decollation and page extraction when viewing or printing. Optional. Valid values are:

  • All - Include all supported interactive elements.
  • None - Exclude all supported interactive elements.

<element type1,element type2,....element typeN.

For example: weblink, bookmark

The supported interactive elements are: weblink, bookmark

Tagged PDF's tags will remain


Support copying tags from a decollated PDF document. Valid values are Yes or No.

Optional. Default: No.

PDF/A conformance level


The PDF/A formats specified in the ISO 19005 standard series provide a consistent and robust subset of PDF which can safely be archived over a long period of time, or used for reliable data exchange in enterprise and government environments. Set the PDF/A conformance level to one of the following:

  • PDF/A-1a:2005, PDF/A-1b:2005 (implies compatibility=1.4)
  • PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-2u (implies compatibility=1.7)
  • PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b, PDF/A-3u (implies compatibility=1.7)
  • none
  • PDF/A1-a:2005, PDF/A-2a, and PDF/A-3a imply tagged=true.
  • PDF/A can simultaneously conform to other

If multiple options for PDF standards are specified the lowest compatibility value is used.

Default: none

PDF Output Options


This parameter is used for special handling of output of PDF files. Use only if requested by BMC Customer Support.


Decollation by bookmarks


Enables decollation of PDF reports using bookmarks. Valid values are

  • No - bookmark lines are not appended to the columnized report
  • Yes - bookmark lines are appended to the columnized report
  • Only - only bookmark lines are included in the columnized report

Default: No

Decollation region first line


Specifies the line in the columnized report which will appear as the first line in the decollated report. Valid values are from 0 to 500.

Default: 0

Decollation region last line


Specifies the line in the columnized report which will appear as the last line in the decollated report. Valid values are from 0 to 500.

Default: 0

Decollation region first column


Specifies the column in the columnized report which will appear as the first column in the decollated report. Valid values are from 0 to 500.

Default: 0

Decollation region last column


Specifies the column in the columnized report which will appear as the last column in the decollated report. Valid values are from 0 to 500.

Default: 0

Decollation space area


Defines the additional regions for decollation. Up to 4 additional regions can be defined. Each region is defined with the following syntax: (P1 P2 P3 P4)


  • P1 - First line
  • P2 - Last line
  • P3 - First Column
  • P4 - Last Column

If one of these parameters is set to zero, the decollation works for full text on the page.

Example 1: (9 10 1 150) The decollation will process the region from line 9 to line 10 and from column 1 to 150.

Example 2: The decollation will process two regions:

(9 10 1 150) (15 20 1 150)

Print debug info


Specifies that debug information is written to the SYSPRIN output. Use only if requested by BMC Customer Support. Valid values are

  • No
  • Yes

Default: No

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Control-D Report Clique Definition Screen