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Dataset verification

Based on the DISP, UNIT, and VOL DD statement keywords, Control-M JCL Verify validates that the

Note: If the UNIT type is a removable type (like tape or cartridge) or if the file is migrated (by IBM/DFHSM or another product), Control-M JCL Verify cannot validate that the file exists on the correct volume and cannot verify the file attributes.

Note: A temporary dataset, starting with a prefix of &&* and followed by a number, is used when the DSN keyword does not exist in the JCL DD statement.

In this case, the %%$DDDSN variable shows this temporary value.


                4 //NDSNDEV  DD  DISP=(NEW,PASS),                              

                  //         DCB=(LRECL=0080,BLKSIZE=3120,RECFM=FB,DSORG=PS),   

                  //         SPACE=(TRK,(0001,0001),RLSE),                      

                  //         MGMTCLAS=TOTO                                      

CTJDSIW         4 WARNING: SPECIFIED MGMTCLAS TOTO does not exist. DSN=&&*00000001

Parent Topic

Environment verification