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Sending Specific Reports to Specific Destinations

When specific reports (as opposed to an entire user bundle) should be sent to specific destinations, specify the destination in the DEST field of the report in the User Report list. The DEST field can be updated either in the Permanent User Report list for a permanent specification, or in the Active User Report list for a one-time specification.

When using this method, subparameter SEARCH of the DO USER statement in the report decollating mission for this report must be defined as either:

If the report DEST field in the Active User Report list is manually updated for a one-time specification after the report is already decollated, it is not necessary to specify the SEARCH subparameter in the report decollating mission of the job.

For more information about parameter SEARCH, utility CTDCP2A, and how this method works, refer to the Control-D and Control-V chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Parent Topic

Specifying Report Destination