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Using Indexes for Retrieval

Index values can be used to retrieve report pages or sections. All pages or sections which are pointed to by the selected index values are made available for online viewing, printing, and so on, regardless of where the report is stored.

Index values can be specified through the User Reports entry panel, through a Values of Index panel (option X in the Active User Report list followed by option S in the Main Index window), or through a Quick Access panel (option Q in the User Reports entry panel, the Active User Report list, or the Main Index window).

Enter Q in the User Reports entry panel bypass panel field to suppress the display of this entry panel, and immediately display the Quick Access Report list or Quick Access panel when entering the User Reports facility.

Use the Index window to list all main indexes for a report. You can select a main index or display the Quick Access panels from this window.

Use the Values of Index panel to display an alphabetized list of all values that exist in a specified index. Use option V to view report pages pointed to by the selected indexes or use option X to display the names of subindexes under any index value in the list.

Use a Quick Access panel to optionally specify subindex values. Place an asterisk or prefix in a subindex value field to display the Values of Index panel for that subindex. When the Quick Access panel contains the desired index values, press Enter to view report pages pointed to by those values.

Parent Topic

Indexing Considerations