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Viewing Normalized Reports using Control-D/WebAccess Server

If the decollation mission ends successfully, you can view the normalized report with transformation using Control-D/WebAccess Server version 3.2.00 or later, and use indexes to view the report.

The report can be viewed in one of the following formats:

For information on the Report Clique rendering parameters used to transform reports to PDF or HTML, see Rendering Parameters—Unique to Text Report Cliques.

When you request to view a report with transformation, a transformer is activated under the Control-D/Delivery Server and creates the transformed report in either PDF or HTML format.

The transformer uses the Resource Set of the report to get the list of all the resources that were used in the decollation. If a resource is not found in the local Resource Manager of the Control-D/Delivery Server interface, the resource is taken from the OS/390 Resource Manager. It then resides on the local File System Resource Manager of the Control-D/Delivery Server interface, and does not need to be taken again from the OS/390 Resource Manager in the future.

All the parameters that were defined in the Report Clique and relate to rendering are used when viewing reports with transformation. For example, the Font Mapping Table is used to map the original fonts of the report to TrueType fonts. For more information, see Report Cliques.

PDF format

When a report is transformed to PDF format, the whole report, or an index section, is transformed as one PDF file. For this reason, transformation to PDF is not recommended for large reports without indexes.

HTML format

When a report is transformed to HTML, the report is transformed only a few pages at a time. This allows the user to view print stream reports in page-by-page mode in a similar way to text reports.

Parent Topic

Decollation of Report Types