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CDAM Dataset Naming Conventions

A CDAM dataset conforms to the following naming conventions:


Table 279 CDAM Dataset Naming Conventions




Value specified in the PREFIX parameter. If PREFIX is not specified, the following occurs: The default prefix is taken from the Control-D CTDPARM installation parameter AMPREFD (unless ALLOCOPT=JOBSDSN1, in which case the default is taken from installation parameter JB1PREF). The maximum length is seven characters.


Name of the job creating the sysout.


JES number of the job creating the sysout. Format: Jnnnnn.


Date and the time when the dataset has been allocated. The format is Djjjhhmm, where jjj is the Julian day, hh is the hour and mm is the minute.


Sequence number of the step in the job creating the dataset. The format is Snn, where nn is the relative sequence number of the step from the beginning of the job. The number is in hexadecimal notation (01-FF).


Unique file ID in the format Nnnnnxx, where nnnn represents the relative position of the file in the allocations performed by the job (in hexadecimal format), and xx is the logical extent number of the CDAM dataset (also in hexadecimal format). The first logical extent is 00, the last one possible is FF.

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Compressed Dataset Access Method (CDAM)