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This chapter should be read very carefully. It deals with performance considerations for managing large volumes of SYSOUTs. Although Control-V can be implemented effectively using the conventional "job writes reports to spool" method, it is possible to improve the efficiency of the data center by writing reports directly to compressed datasets.

Control-V can use two report processing techniques. The basic technique does not require any JCL changes and can be implemented immediately on any given report. The following diagram shows the basic report processing workflow:

Figure 455 Control-V Basic Report Processing Workflow

The basic workflow is:

This type of process is reliable and is used by many report management systems. However, it is not the best solution in terms of overall system performance. The inherent problems of this method are:

The Compressed Dataset Access Method (CDAM) solves all of these problems. It also has other benefits:

The following diagram shows the report workflow using the Compressed Dataset Access Method:

Figure 456 Control-V Report Workflow Using the Compressed Dataset Access Method

The recommended report processing workflow is:

The Control-D monitor uses compressed reports in both workflows. The means by which Control-V (or the user) can create and read compressed reports is called the Compressed Dataset Access Method (CDAM).

CDAM is a general access method by which sysouts (reports) can be written to compressed datasets. To invoke CDAM, the user must modify the JCL of the job so that the reports are written to compressed datasets and not to the spool. There is no need to change the application program which produces the reports.

The following paragraphs describe CDAM in detail.

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Compressed Dataset Access Method (CDAM)