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General Information

Reports belonging to the user specified in parameter INCLUDE USER are included in the bundle. In addition, reports belonging to the user’s children (users appearing under the user in the Recipient Tree) are also included, unless specifically excluded by an EXCLUDE USER parameter.

When parameter EXCLUDE USER is specified, reports belonging to the specified user are excluded from the bundle. In addition, reports belonging to the user’s children (in the Recipient Tree) are excluded from the bundle, unless specifically included by an INCLUDE USER parameter.

If no INCLUDE USER parameter is specified, the entire Recipient Tree is included (minus any users excluded by an EXCLUDE USER parameter).

If the reports to be printed belong to recipients that are not defined in the Recipient Tree (see Decollation Without the Recipient Tree) and the EXCLUDE USER parameter is specified, then instead of specifying an empty INCLUDE USER parameter, specify INCLUDE USER *.

Parent Topic

INCLUDE/EXCLUDE USER: Printing Mission Bundling Parameter