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BATCH: Mission Specific Parameter

Yes/No indicator that specifies whether a printing mission is submitted as a subtask of a print monitor or as a batch job. For batch jobs, the skeleton job member and the sysout unallocation mode are also specified.

Figure 363 BATCH Parameter Format

Note: This parameter applies to printing missions only.

Table 250 BATCH Subparameters




Optional. Valid values are:

  • N (No)–Printing mission is submitted as a subtask of the print monitor. Parameters SKELETON and FREE are ignored. Default.
  • Y (Yes)–Printing mission is submitted as a batch job. If parameter PRTMON# is set to 0 in the Control-D installation parameters, no print monitors are started and parameter BATCH must be set to Y.

If BATCH=Y, parameters SKELETON and FREE are relevant:


Name of an existing member in the Control-D SKL library. Mandatory if BATCH is set to Y.


Sysout allocation mode. Determines when sysout files is freed. Optional. Valid values are:

  • CLOSE–Free sysout files as soon as they are printed. Default.
  • END–Do not free sysout files until the end of the job. This value is only available if BATCH is set to Y.

Parent Topic

Migration, Printing, Backup and Restore Mission Parameters