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Options of the Active Missions Screen

To request one of the following options, specify the option in the O (Option) field to the left of the mission name and press Enter:

Table 141 Options of the Active Missions Screen



? (WHY)

Why does the mission wait for scheduling or decollation? The Why screen (described below), which shows the reasons for WAIT SCHEDULE and WAIT PROCESS statuses, is displayed.


Hold the mission. Control-V operations concerning the mission are held. The HOLD request is recorded in the IOA Log file. The status of the mission is changed to REQUESTED HELD. If the monitor is active, the status changes to HELD after a few seconds. In some cases, a HOLD request may be rejected by the monitor.


Delete the mission. Control-V only allows deletion of WAIT SCHEDULE (WAIT DECOLLATION) missions, or missions that have finished executing. To DELETE a mission, the mission must be in the HELD status. The DELETE request is recorded in the IOA Log file.


Free a held mission. All Control-V operations concerning the mission are freed (that is, resumed). The FREE request is recorded in the IOA Log file. The status of the mission is changed to REQUESTED FREE. If the monitor is active, the FREE request is accepted after a few seconds.


The IOA Log screen (described later in this chapter) is displayed showing all IOA Log file messages for the specified mission.


"Zoom in" on mission details. The Zoom screen (described later) is displayed.


Rerun the mission. (For more information see the "Rerun Option" later in this chapter.)


For printing missions only: Print Control (described later in this chapter) allows you to print part of a bundle, to reprint all or part it, and to monitor and control the printing process as the bundle prints.


Display the BYPASS window (described later). This option is used to bypass input conditions and/or the time limit for the mission.

Parent Topic

Tracking and Control – Active Missions Screen