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Using the Report Viewing Screen To View AFPDS Reports On 3270 Monitors

This option enables AFPDS (AFP Category 5) reports to be viewed in the Report Viewing screen on 3270 monitors. Text is extracted from the AFP report and displayed according to positions defined in the AFP report for this text. Text from overlays is not displayed.

To activate the AFP viewing option, issue command RUL $AFPxxx from the Report Viewing screen. This command invokes a special filter that displays only the text of the current report. Ruler $AFPxxx is applied to the extracted text. Specify only the ruler name prefix in the command (that is, RUL $AFP), so that any ruler (prefixed $AFP) can activate the AFP filter.

When extremely large or small fonts are used, calculation of text positions can result in overlapping text. The calculation algorithm in cases of extremely large or small font can be adjusted by specifying, a multiplication or division factor in the report’s REMARK field.

Parameters C and L allow expansion or shrinkage during the graphic-to-text conversion. Format of the parameter is:



Any factor combination can be specified: column only, line only, both column and line (separated by commas), or neither.

The program searches for a C or L parameter in the REMARK field. If neither are found, the original calculation is used. Otherwise, the factor is applied to the conversion algorithm.


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User Reports (Online Viewing)