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Header Line

The header line at the top of the screen indicates the User Report list display type (or Q to designate the Quick Access Report list) and the main selection criteria values specified in the entry panel.


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Table 71 User Report List Header Line

Header Field


type _of LIST

type_of is Permanent, Active or History.


display_type is code letter D – Default, L– Long, U – User, J – Job, S – SDSF, or A – All Fields.

JOB job_name

job_name is the job name (or prefix or mask – as specified).

REP report_name

report_name is the first 20 characters of the report name (or prefix or mask – as specified).

USR user_name

user_name is the user (recipient) name (or prefix or mask – as specified).

CHILD (or blank)

If this field contains the word CHILD (because parameter CHILD was set to Y), reports of the user’s children (as defined in the Recipient Tree) are included in the Report list. If this field is blank (by default or because parameter CHILD was set to N), only the user’s own reports are included in the Report list.

Parent Topic

Report Lists