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Entry Panel Options: Kinds of Report Lists

Select one of the following kinds of Report lists by entering the appropriate option number in the OPTION field:

  1. Permanent Report List: A list of all reports that the user can receive at any time. Modifications to the data on this list (such as the migration schedule) are valid for every subsequent execution of the report until modified in the future.
  2. Active/Migrated Report List: A list of reports that recently have been or soon will be decollated, and/or reports that have migrated to various storage devices. The SHOW MIGRATED field in the User Reports entry panel determines whether the list contains only reports that have migrated, only reports that have not migrated, or both.
  3. History Report List: A list of all reports that are currently backed up on tape or cartridge. The list is used to request a restore of lost reports. The length of time for which reports are backed up is determined by the INCONTROL administrator.

If you do not specify an option number and simply press Enter, the default is option 2, the Active/Migrated Report list.

Figure 71 User Reports Report Lists

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