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Migration, Printing, Backup, Restore Mission Definition – Mission List Screen

This screen displays a list of missions (members) in the specified library. This screen can be entered directly from the entry panel or upon exiting the Category List screen.

By default, only mission names are listed on the screen. However, if the default has been modified at your site, statistical information may be displayed for each mission name (as shown in Figure 38).

Figure 38 Printing, Backup, Restore Mission Definition – Mission List Screen

  MISSION LIST IN   CTD.PROD.MIGMIS                                ---------(M)

  COMMAND ===>                                                 SCROLL ===> CRSR

  OPT  NAME ------------ VV.MM  CREATED     CHANGED     SIZE  INIT   MOD   ID

       MIG0009D          01.01 00/11/29 00/11/29 12:40    15    15     0 PROD

       MIG0027D          01.00 00/06/30 00/06/30 09:54     7     7     0 PROD

       MIG0196D          01.01 00/06/30 00/06/30 09:54    15    15     0 PROD

       MIG0200D          01.00 00/06/30 00/06/30 09:54     7     7     0 PROD

       MIG0206D          01.01 00/11/29 00/11/29 12:40    15    15     0 PROD

       MIG0222D          01.00 00/06/30 00/06/30 09:54     7     7     0 PROD

       MIG0257D          01.01 00/11/29 00/11/29 12:40    15    15     0 PROD

       MIG0271D          01.00 00/06/30 00/06/30 09:54     7     7     0 PROD

       MIG0280D          01.01 00/11/29 00/11/29 12:40    15    15     0 PROD

       MIG0297D          01.00 00/06/30 00/06/30 09:54     7     7     0 PROD

       MIG0332D          01.01 00/11/29 00/11/29 12:40    15    15     0 PROD

       MIG0356D          01.00 00/06/30 00/06/30 09:54     7     7     0 PROD

   ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE MISSIONS IN LIBRARY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =======









To scroll down the Mission list, press PF08/PF20. To scroll up the Mission list, press PF07/PF19. To return to the entry panel, press END (PF03/PF15).

Parent Topic

Migration, Printing, Backup, Restore Mission Definition Facility