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Copying Report Decollating Mission Definitions to Another Member

To copy one or more mission definitions from the current member to another member, specify option C (Copy) by the mission names in the Category List screen and press Enter. The following window is displayed:

Figure 35 Window for Copying Decollating Mission Definitions to Another Member

 CATEGORIES OF LIB CTV.PROD.REPORTS                               JOB: PLRPT010

 COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL===> CRSR

  OPT  NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------






                  |                                                           |


                  |                                                           |

                  |  LIBRARY :  CTV.PROD.REPORTS                              |

                  |  MEMBER  :                                                |

                  |  CATEGORY:  DAILY                                         |

                  |                                                           |




The window contains the following fields (some fields contain default values that can be modified):

Table 38 Fields in the Window for Copying Mission Definitions to
Another Member




Library containing the table into which the decollating mission definitions should be copied. Must be an existing library. Default is the current library.


Name of the member into which the decollating mission definition should be copied.

Note: A decollating mission definition can only be copied to another member. It cannot be copied to its own member (even if the mission definition is renamed).

If the specified member does not exist, the member is created when the request is performed.


Name of the decollating mission definition to be copied. If multiple mission definitions are selected, the window initially is displayed with the first selected mission definition. As each request is performed or canceled, the next requested mission definition name is displayed.

To perform a request, press Enter.

To cancel a request, press END (PF03/PF15) or RESET (PF04/PF16).

Parent Topic

Report Decollating Mission Definition Facility