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Decollating Parameters

Decollating parameters specify how to decollate the reports of the job.

Figure 30 Decollating Parameters



DEF COPIES 01 LVL    USER CRDBANK              DEST          MAX COPIES 05  


SET        = %%        =                                           C   CS


ON CLASS      = D         EXTWTR               DEST          FORM

Default Decollating Parameters

General default decollating parameters for report pages include:

Table 32 Default Decollating Parameters




Default number of copies of the job’s reports to be printed.


Default level of a user (recipient) who should receive every unidentified page of the job’s reports.


Default name of a user (recipient) who should receive every unidentified page of the job’s reports.


Default printing destination for the job’s report pages that are not identified in ON statements. Also used to activate extraction of original spool destination.


Maximum number of copies to be printed for the job’s reports unless specified in an ON....MAX COPIES statement.

SET Statement

The SET statement assigns an initial value to a system variable that is used during this decollation process or a regular variable that can be used in this decollation mission.


DEF COPIES 01 LVL    USER UNIDENT              DEST          MAX COPIES 10  


SET        = %%$MEMORY  =ABOVEBAR                                   C   CS


ON CLASS      = D         EXTWTR               DEST          FORM

ONM Statement

The ON statement allows the decollation is to be carried out on the following criteria:

Table 33 ON Statement Subparameters




Specified class name (held and non-held).


Specified compressed dataset’s compressed sysouts.


Executes an IBM Websphere® MQ message.


Step and/or DD statement selection criteria, for example, a program or procedure step name, a DD name, or a class.


Three system datasets of the job.


JCL system dataset of the job.


Syslog system dataset of the job.


Execution messages system dataset of the job.


Displays the same fields as the CLASS subparameters with the addition of the CLIQUE subparameter, which identifies the Report Clique to be used for report transformation


Displays the same fields as the DSN subparameter, with the addition of the CLIQUE subparameter, which identifies the Report Clique to be used for report transformation

ON CLASS      = D         EXTWTR               DEST          FORM           

   PRT COPIES 01 LVL 20 USER MGT                  DEST          MAX COPIES 04

       PRINT/CDAM PARMS =                                                    


   PRT COPIES 01 LVL 20 USER MGT                  DEST          MAX COPIES 06

   ON SYSLOG                                                                 

   PRT COPIES 01 LVL 90 USER PRODCNTL             DEST          MAX COPIES 05

       PRINT/CDAM PARMS =                                                    

ON Statement Defaults

Each ON statement is followed by printing default parameters that apply to the reports defined under the ON statement.

Table 34 ON Statement Defaults




Default number of copies to print of the reports defined under the ON statement.


Default level of a user (recipient) who should receive every unidentified page of the reports defined under the ON statement.


Default name of a user (recipient) who should receive every unidentified page of the reports defined under the ON statement.


Default printing destination of the unidentified pages of reports defined under the ON statement. Also used to activate extraction of original spool destination.


Maximum number of copies that can be requested to be printed of the reports defined under the ON statement (or in the User Report list).


Printing/CDAM parameters. This field overrides default CDAM parameters, such as PREFIX and UNIT.

  ON CLASS      = X         EXTWTR               DEST          FORM          

  PRT COPIES 01 LVL 20 USER MGT                  DEST RUR252   MAX COPIES    

      PRINT/CDAM PARMS = PAGEDEF=ARI1,FORMDEF=IBM1                           

      PRINT/CDAM PARMS =                                                     

  WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

PRINT/CDAM Parameters

This field overrides default CDAM parameters, such as PREFIX and UNIT.

    PRINT/CDAM PARMS =                                                    

WHEN LINE 00001 - 00001 COL 00014 - 00046 PRINT Y REF NXT N CT N   AND/OR

     STRING = E M P L O Y E E S     R E P O R T                                            

DO NAME    = EMPLOYEES REPORT                                             

WHENM Parameter

The WHEN parameter indicates page identification criteria.

Table 35 WHEN Subparameters




Lines in the page (from and to) between which the character string search takes place.


Columns (from and to) between which the character string search takes place.


A variable used in comparing a string, variable, or system variable in the STRING subparameter. This subparameter is a variant of the LINE and COL subparameters.


Yes/No indicator that specifies whether or not to print the line containing the identifying string.


Yes/No indicator that specifies whether the identifying string refers to the page where it is found, or to the page after the page where it is found.


"Continuous identification" flag that indicates whether unidentified pages are directed to the default user, to the user obtained from the previous pages, and so on.


Conjunctional parameter that opens and links additional WHEN statements.


The character string for that to search. The string can contain logical comparison operators.

   WHEN LINE 00001 - 00001 COL 00014 - 00046 PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

        STRING = E M P L O Y E E S     R E P O R T                           

DOM Options

The following are a description and example of each of the DO action that can be taken when the WHEN condition is fulfilled:

DO USER – Name of the user (recipient) to whom the identified page in the report is sent, or the LINE and COL range in the report where the user name can be found.

    DO USER    = *                         LVL    LINE        COL 00064 - 00074

                            S N T         SYNONYM =       CONCAT =            _

DO INDEX – Defines a main index and optional subindexes for a CDAM file.

    DO INDEX   = EMNUM                M   R   G   LINE +00000 COL 00011 - 00014

          MASK = ####                 RC Y LINE 00002 - 00060 COL 00011 - 00014

    02 SUBINDX = EMPNAME              M   LVL 02  LINE +00000 COL 00016 - 00035

          MASK = *                    RC Y LINE 00002 - 00060 COL 00016 - 00035

    03 SUBINDX = EMPGRADE             M   LVL 03  LINE +00000 COL 00037 - 00040

          MASK = ####                 RC Y LINE 00002 - 00060 COL 00037 - 00040

       SUBINDX =                      M   LVL     LINE        COL       -     

          MASK =                      RC   LINE       -       COL       -     

DO MIGRATE – Specifies the migration mission that migrates this report from DASD to another storage media.



DO BACKUP – Specifies the backup missions that backs up this sysout.

   WHEN LINE 00001 - 00001 COL 00014 - 00046 PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

        STRING = E M P L O Y E E S     R E P O R T

     DO BACKUP   = BKP0031D


   WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

DO PRINT – Specifies the printing missions that should (can) print this report.

   WHEN LINE 00001 - 00001 COL 00014 - 00046 PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

        STRING = E M P L O Y E E S     R E P O R T

     DO PRINT    = STD                                   MUST             


   WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

DO NAME – Specifies the report name. The user (recipient) can use the name as a key for retrieving the report.

   WHEN LINE 00001 - 00001 COL 00014 - 00046 PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

        STRING = E M P L O Y E E S     R E P O R T                           

     DO NAME     = EMPLOYEES REPORT             


   WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

DO COND – Adds and/or deletes prerequisite conditions.

   WHEN LINE 00001 - 00001 COL 00014 - 00046 PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

        STRING = E M P L O Y E E S     R E P O R T                         

     DO COND     = EMPLOYEES-FILE-OK    ODAT +                             


   WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

DO SET – Assigns a value to a variable that can be used by other decollation parameters.

   WHEN LINE 00001 - 00001 COL 00001 - 00001 PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

        STRING = %%ACC                                                     


   DO SET     = %%REP     ='REPORT FOR '                              C   CS

   DO SET     = %%REM_M   =NEW                                        C   CS

DO SHOUT – Specifies a message to be sent. Control-V system variables are resolved in the message text.

   WHEN LINE 00001 - 00001 COL 00014 - 00046 PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

        STRING = E M P L O Y E E S     R E P O R T                         

     DO SHOUT    TO U-EMPLOYEES-DEP     URGENCY R                          

      = MONTHLY EMPLOYEES FILE AND REPORTS ARE OK                          


   WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

DO CTBRULE – Invokes the Control-M/Analyzer Runtime Environment that performs balancing operations defined in the specified rule on Control-V pages. Available only at sites using Control-M/Analyzer.

   WHEN LINE 00001 - 00001 COL 00014 - 00046 PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

        STRING = B A N K I N G   R E P O R T

     DO CTBRULE  = BNKRULE  ARG 100000,50000,25000


   WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

        STRING =


DO NOTOK – Generates a NOTOK status if the string specified in the WHEN statement is found.

   WHEN LINE 00001 - 00001 COL 00014 - 00046 PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

        STRING = ENDED WITH ERRORS                        



   WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

DO REMARK – Specifies a remark to be generated when the string specified in the WHEN statement is found.

WHEN LINE 00001 - 00001 COL 00014 - 00046 PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

        STRING = E X C E P T I O N S     R E P O R T                        

     DO REMARK   = EXCEPTION                    LINE     COL     -

     DO REMARK2  = EXCEPTION                    LINE     COL     -

     DO REMARK3  = EXCEPTION                    LINE     COL     -

DO LEVEL – Specifies the level of the user (recipient) to whom the identified page in the report is sent. It is recommended not to use DO LEVEL at this stage.

   WHEN LINE 00001 - 00001 COL 00014 - 00046 PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

        STRING = E X C E P T I O N S     R E P O R T                        

     DO LEVEL                                                               

   WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

DO APPROV – Specifies that the report should be approved.


WHEN LINE 00020 - 00060 COL 00020 - 00024 PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR




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Report Decollating Mission Definition Screen