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Display and Non-Display of Scheduling Criteria

When N has been entered in the SHOW SCHEDULING CRITERIA field of the Report Decollating Mission Definition entry panel, all General, Basic Scheduling, Runtime Scheduling and Post-processing parameters are hidden except the Category line of the General parameters. The SET lines of Decollating parameters are also hidden.

The Category line is displayed, followed by the decollating parameters.

Figure 24 Non-Display of Scheduling Criteria

------- CONTROL-D/V CATEGORY DAILY                JOB  PLRPT010 ---------(R.S)

COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL===> CRSR


   CATEGORY DAILY                     JOBNAME PLRPT010 GENERIC   MONITOR      


   DEF COPIES 01 LVL    USER UNIDENT              DEST          MAX COPIES    


   ON CLASS      = D         EXTWTR               DEST          FORM          

   PRT COPIES 01 LVL 20 USER MGT                  DEST          MAX COPIES    

       PRINT/CDAM PARMS =                                                     

   WHEN LINE 00001 - 00014 COL 00014 - 00046 PRINT Y REF NXT N CT N   AND/OR

        STRING = E M P L O Y E E S     R E P O R T                            

   DO NAME     = EMPLOYEES REPORT           

   DO USER    = *                         LVL    LINE        COL 00064 - 00074

                           S N T         SYNONYM =       CONCAT =            

   DO PRINT    = STD                                   MUST   =             

   DO BACKUP   = BKP0007D                                                   


   WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

      STRING =                                                             



   ON DSN        = DDNAME=PLREP4,PGMSTEP=PLRP0010                            

   PRT COPIES 01 LVL 20 USER MGT                  DEST          MAX COPIES   


Note: When defining report decollating missions, it is customary to work with the scheduling criteria hidden.

Parent Topic

Report Decollating Mission Definition Screen