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Installing the Message Display Interface

Installation of the message display interface is performed using the application of an SMP/E USERMOD to your MVS SMP/E environment. This USERMOD introduces two Control-M/Tape CSECTs (IGXMSGEX and CTTMSGD) that are linked to the IGX00030 module in the LPA library.

Note: If another Message Display interface is installed already, remove the existing interface before installing the Control-M/Tape interface.

The following steps are applied to your MVS SYS1.LPALIB library. You can apply these changes to your MLPA library instead by overriding the LPALIB DD statement, either through DDDEF or through your MVS SMP/E JCL procedure.

To install the Control-M/Tape interface to the Message Display, perform the following steps:

  1. Edit the IGXMSGEX sample member in the IOA SAMPEXIT library. The IGXMSGEX member contains a sample message display installation exit that allows control to be passed to several modules for customization of MVS messages before they are displayed on an IBM 3490 tape drive. All modules to which control is to be passed are listed under the MODLIST label in this sample member. By default, this list contains one CTTMSGD module, the Control-M/Tape message customization module.

    You can let other modules process tape drive messages in parallel with the Control-M/Tape interface (for example, for parallel processing by CA-1) by adding an entry for each of these modules under the MODLIST label in the IGXMSGEX member. For further information see comments in this sample member for the format of module specifications.

    It is recommended that you save a backup copy of the IGXMSGEXsample member before modifying it. All changes to this sample member must be saved before proceeding with step 2.

  2. Use SMP/E online panels to find the Owning FMID of "MOD IGX00030" and write it down for reference in Step 4a.
  3. Save a backup copy of the IGX00030 module before continuing with the next step. This module is located in your LPA library.
  4. Edit the INSTMSGD member in the Control-M/Tape JCL library. This member contains a job that uses SMP/E to compile the IGXMSGEX member and link it to the IGX00030 module.

    Configure the job as follows:

    1. Replace the FMID with the FMID obtained in 2.
    2. Replace the SMP JCL procedure name with your site’s MVS SMP/E JCL procedure.
    3. Update the target zone name to reflect your MVS target environment name.
    4. Add the IOA SMPPTS and IOA MAC libraries to your procedure’s SYSLIB specification.
  5. Submit the job. The job should complete with a return code of 0.

To activate the Control-M/Tape message display interface, either IPL your system or use a system tool (for example, RESOLVE) to dynamically add the new IGX00030 module to your MLPA.

Note: If you have already implemented the Control-M/Tape Message Display Interface and you want to update the IGXMSGEX member, repeat only step 4 using job REDOMSGD instead of job INSTMSGD.

Parent Topic

Cartridge Message Display Customization