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Example 1

An external volume with an internal standard label of 111111 is delivered to the data center. The tape librarian checks in the tape and finds that there is already an existing volume with this volser in the Media Database. A unique value, NEW111, is assigned to the volume and entered in the VOLSER field. The original volser value (111111) is entered in the SL-NAME field.

When the volume is requested for processing, the JCL statement includes the parameter VOL=SER=NEW111. The operator mounts volume NEW111. Normally, the operating system would reject the mounted volume since the internal label (111111) does not match the requested volser (NEW111). However, Control-M/Tape performs its own validation checking routine. Control-M/Tape determines that the value in the SL-NAME field (111111) matches the internal label of the mounted tape. Control-M/Tape forces the operating system to accept the volume for processing.

Example 2

Every Monday morning a tape is delivered from the social security office with the same physical standard label (SS0001). The tape librarian checks in the tape using the External Volume Check-In screen and an automatically generated volser, as shown in Figure 43.

Figure 43 Check-in Screen


COMMAND ===>                                                                  


| VOLSER      EXT045                      Locally assigned VOLSER             |

| SL-NAME     SS0001     +--------------------------------------+             |

| MEDIA TYPE  3490       |   PLEASE CONFIRM ADDING OF           |             |

| LABEL TYPE  SL         |   VOLUME EXT045 TO THE MDB Y (Y/N)   |L/AL)        |

| PRINT LABEL N          +--------------------------------------+l?           |

| MVS CATALOG Y                           (Y/N) Catalog datasets?             |

| DEL EXPIRED                             (Y/N) Delete when expired?          |

| RETENTION   DAYS            0090        DAYs/DATe/Permanent/Catalog/Rules   |

| ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -----------------------------------------------------|

| DESCRIPTION SOCIAL SECURITY TAPE        USER FIELD                          |

| VENDOR                                  OWNER                               |

| EXTERNAL VOLUME DATASET LIST -----------------------------------------------|

| DATASET# 01 SS.INPUT.DATASET.D021298                                        |

| DATASET# 02                                                                 |

| DATASET# 03                                                                 |

| DATASET# 04                                                                 |

| DATASET# 05                                                                 |


A gummed label with the new logical volser (EXT045) is applied externally to the tape.

When online inquiries are made about the tape, the original volser (meaning, the SL-NAME) is entered in the Inquire/Update entry panel.

Figure 44 Inquire/Update Entry Panel

-------------  CONTROL-M/TAPE  -  INQUIRE/UPDATE ENTRY PANEL  -------------(TI)

COMMAND ==>                                                                  

SELECT BY:                                                                    

   MEDIA        ===>                        Media type                        

   DSNAME       ===>                                                         

   VOLSER       ===>          TO            Volser/Mask                       

   SL-NAME      ===> SS0001   TO            SL-Name/Mask                     

   POOL         ===>                        Pool name/Mask                    

   LOCATION     ===>                        Location name/Mask               


SELECT BY DATE:                                                               

   CREATE FROM  ===>          TO            Creation date range               

   EXPIRE FROM  ===>          TO            Expiration date range            

   ACCESS FROM  ===>          TO            Last access date range            


SELECT BY STATUS:                                                            

   ACTIVE       ===> Y                      VAULTED only ===> N               

   SCRATCH      ===> Y                      EXTERNAL     ===> Y               

   EDM CONTROL  ===> Y                      ATL/VTS only ===> N               


DISPLAY OPTIONS:                                                              

   DISPLAY TYPE ===> V                      RECORD TYPE  ===>                 

All volumes with an SL-NAME of SS0001 are retrieved from the Media Database.

Figure 45 Retrieval List

DATABASE LIST < V / V  > --------------------------------------------------(TI)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


  EXT015           3400       01/08/01              0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active  

  EXT021           3400       01/15/01              0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active  

  EXT027           3400       01/22/01              0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active  

  EXT032           3400       01/29/01              0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active  

  EXT037           3400       02/05/01              0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active  

  EXT045           3400       02/12/01              0001 MAINLIB  Ext-Active  

====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   NO MORE ENTRIES IN THE LIST     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

Parent Topic

Duplicate Volser Considerations