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External Volume Check-In Facility

The Control-M/Tape External Volume Check-In screen, shown in Figure 42, allows definition of external volumes for addition to the Control-M/Tape Media Database.

Figure 42 External Volume Check-In Screen


COMMAND ===>                                                                  


| VOLSER      123456                      Locally assigned VOLSER             |

| SL-NAME     123456                      Internal volume label               |

| MEDIA TYPE  CART                        Type of media                       |

| LABEL TYPE  SL                          Type of label (SL/NL/NSL/AL)        |

| PRINT LABEL N                           (Y/N) Print gummed label?           |

| MVS CATALOG Y                           (Y/N) Catalog datasets?             |

| DEL EXPIRED                             (Y/N) Delete when expired?          |

| RETENTION   DAYS            0090        DAYs/DATe/Permanent/Catalog/Rules   |

| ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -----------------------------------------------------|

| DESCRIPTION INPUT DATASET               USER FIELD                          |

| VENDOR                                  OWNER                               |

| EXTERNAL VOLUME DATASET LIST -----------------------------------------------|

| DATASET# 01 DSN.INPUT.DATASET                                               |

| DATASET# 02                                                                 |

| DATASET# 03                                                                 |

| DATASET# 04                                                                 |

| DATASET# 05                                                                 |


During installation, a prefix for external volumes can be specified through the EXTRNVOL parameter. When each external volume is checked in, it is assigned a unique volser that is comprised of this prefix and a serial number. External volsers can then optionally be used to sort external volumes (for example, they may be arranged in slots whose numbers correspond to the serial numbers in the assigned volsers).

The Control-M/Tape External Volume Check-In screen contains fields specifying

Note: If specific data sets are listed in the External Volume Check-in screen, data set records are created (in the Media Database) for these data sets when the volume is checked in. Retention period information is essential for retention management of external volumes. The DEL EXPIRED field specifies if a volume record is kept in the Media Database after the volume expires. If no value is specified for the DEL EXPIRED field, the external volume is kept in the Media Database after expiration.

For a more detailed description of the External Volume Check-In screen, see the online facilities chapter of the Control-M/Tape User Guide.

Parent Topic

Control-M/Tape Handling of External Tapes