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Use the following steps to implement the Control-M/Tape interface to a FUJITSU automated tape library at your site:

Note: The Control-M/Tape interface to LIBSP can be installed only after the LIBSP support for the Control-M/Tape mount messages is installed. Contact your LIBSP vendor for more information.

  1. Specify FUJITSU as one of the values for the RBTTYPE parameter in the CTTPARM member (through Control-M/Tape step 2.10 in ICE).
  2. Edit the CTTFUJI member in the IOA SAMPLE library. Locate the following lines:


    *        PLEASE SET THE LIBVER PARM BELOW:                           *

    *            1 - FOR LIBSP V1                                        *

    *            2 - FOR LIBSP V2                                        *


    &LIBVER  SETC  '1'       <=== CHANGE - LIBSP RELEASE (1/2)

    Set the &LIBVER parameter to ‘1’ if you are using LIBSP V1. Set this parameter to ‘2’ for LIBSP V2 or higher.

  3. Use the ICE Automatic Exit Installation Tool (described in the exits chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide) to compile the CTTFUJI member. The CTTFUJI member contains the code necessary for interfacing with the LIBSP software.
  4. Save the CTTRTM procedure under the name CTTRTM2. Rename the CTTRTMB procedure in the procedure library to CTTRTM. The new CTTRTM procedure contains an additional step (CTTRBM) that interfaces with LIBSP.
  5. Edit the CTTVTMF member in the IOA PROCLIB library. Locate the following lines:


    //*  FUJITSU LIBSP LIBRARY UTILITY                                   






  6. Set the PGM name according to the LIBSP level you are using:
  7. Save the CTTVTMF member.
  8. Save the CTTVTM procedure under the name CTTVTM2. Rename the CTTVTMF procedure (edited in the previous step) in the procedure library to CTTVTM. The new CTTVTM procedure contains a step (CTTRBM) that interfaces with LIBSP.
  9. Adjust procedures that access the automated tape library.

    Control-M/Tape uses the LIBSP API to access the automated tape library and to update the LIBSP Control Dataset (CDS). If the LIBSP load library is not in the MVS linklist, it should be added to the STEPLIB step of all procedures that access the automated tape library.

    The following procedures may access the automated tape library:

    Note: In order to add the required library to the STEPLIB, edit the procedure of the utility at IOA.PROCLIB library, remove the line 'INCLUDE MEMBER=&IOAENV' and instead add the following lines:

    //        DD DISP=SHR,DSN=robotic-tape-library-load-library

    If you are using LIBSP V1, add the following DD statements to the above procedures:



    Note that KBLCDS2 is needed only if DUAL CDS OPERATION is used. If this is not the case, the KBLCDS2 DD statement should be removed.

  10. Add the following DD statement (if it does not already exist) to the above procedures:


    where ilpreft is the value specified for the %ILPREFT% parameter in the DEFPARM member. (Note that this DD statement can be copied from the CTTINIT procedure.)

  11. Ensure that Control-M/Tape and LIBSP use identical pool definitions. Note that LIBSP limits pool names to a maximum length of six characters. Therefore, pool names specified to Control-M/Tape should not be longer than six characters.

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Specific Implementations