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StorageTek Silos Managed by HSC
  1. Specify HSC as one of the values for the RBTTYPE parameter in the CTTPARM member (through Control-M/Tape step 2.10 in ICE).
  2. Use the ICE Automatic Exit Installation Tool to compile the CTTRSTK member. For details about this tool, see the exits chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.
  3. Save the CTTRTM procedure under the name CTTRTM2. Rename the CTTRTMB procedure in the procedure library to CTTRTM. The new CTTRTM procedure contains an additional step (CTTRBM) that interfaces with the automated tape libraries.
  4. Save the CTTVTM procedure under the name CTTVTM2. Rename the CTTVTMB procedure in the procedure library to CTTVTM. The new CTTVTM procedure contains an additional step (CTTRBM) that interfaces with the automated tape libraries.
  5. Control-M/Tape uses the HSC API to communicate with the automated tape library and to update the HSC Control Datasets. If the HSC load library (SLS.SLSLINK) is not in the LINKLIST, it should be added to the STEPLIB DD statement of all procedures that access the automated tape library. These procedures include:

Note: In order to add the required library to the STEPLIB, edit the procedure of the utility at IOA.PROCLIB library, remove the line 'INCLUDE MEMBER=&IOAENV' and instead add the following lines:

//        DD DISP=SHR,DSN=robotic-tape-library-load-library

If you have implemented EDM support (for example, using Exit ARCTVEXT for DFSMShsm or Exit TMSCTLEX for CA-Disk), the HSC load library should be added to the DFSMShsm, or CA-Disk procedure STEPLIB.

  1. User Exit SLSUX06 (Volume Insert/Delete) can, optionally, be installed to manage the update the IN-ATL status for volume records in the Control-M/Tape Media Database. This exit also stores information about the location of each volume in the silo (the LSM address) in the appropriate volume record in the Media Database.

    Sample code for this user exit is located in the SLSUX06 member in the IOA SAMPEXIT library.

  2. Use the following steps to implement this exit:
    1. Use the Control-M/Tape utility CTTSYNC to set the IN-ATL indication and LSM address for all volume records in the Media Database. This utility is described in detail in the Control-M/Tape utilities chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.
    2. Use the ICE Automatic Exit Installation Tool to compile the SLSUX06 member. For details about this tool, see the exits chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.
    3. Verify that Exit SLSUX06 is enabled in the HSC environment.

Parent Topic

StorageTek Silo and Virtual Storage Manager (VSM)