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Sites with a large number of tape volumes typically use an automated tape library to help manage their tapes.

Most automated tape libraries consist of the following components:

Table 18 Automated Tape Library Components



Automated tape library hardware

Machine that stores and automatically mounts volumes (tapes).

Automated tape library database

Database containing the status of each volume (that is, SCRATCH or ACTIVE), its location in the automated tape library, and the pool name assigned to it (in automated tape libraries where pools are supported). For IBM devices, this database is call the Library Manager Database (LM DB).

Automated tape library software

Software that controls the automated tape library hardware. Some tasks performed by automated tape library software components are:

  • Detecting volume mount messages.
  • Locating a volume in the library according to the information in the automated tape library database.
  • Instructing the hardware to mount a volume.
  • Maintaining correct volume status in the automated tape library database.
  • Providing an application interface (API) to the automated tape library functions.

Control-M/Tape manages volume status, vaulting, pool assignment and so on, for all the volumes in the site. Therefore, it is important that Control-M/Tape and the automated tape library communicate with each other. This communication is performed through a Control-M/Tape automated tape library interface.

Control-M/Tape automated tape library interfaces are bidirectional (meaning, communication can be initiated either by Control-M/Tape or by the automated tape library software).

Control-M/Tape usually initiates the communication using the automated tape library API. For example, when a volume is scratched by Control-M/Tape, Control-M/Tape uses the API of the automated tape library to request to mark it as scratch in the automated tape library database.

The automated tape library usually initiates the communication using one of its exits. For example, when a volume is ejected by the automated tape library, an exit is invoked to announce this event.

Parent Topic

Automated Tape Library Interface and Virtual Tape Server