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Procedure CTTINIT controls initialization, operation, and termination of Control-M/Tape. The following command is used to activate this procedure:

S CTTINIT,PARM='[MODE=xxxxxx[,TBLT=xxxxx]


Note: The MODE keyword can be omitted. For example, the expression PARM='MODE=INIT' is equivalent to the expression PARM=INIT.

The DBGLEVEL and DBGJOB parameters are used to generate debug messages. Use only as instructed by BMC Customer Support. To stop debug messages, use the expression DBDLEVEL=0.

The following table describes the valid values for MODE:

Table 10 MODE Values




Checks if Control-M/Tape is active. Control-M/Tape has no address space. This parameter is therefore necessary if you need to determine if Control-M/Tape is currently active. A message describing current Control-M/Tape status is issued in response to this command.


Initializes Control-M/Tape. Control-M/Tape should be started with this parameter after each IPL.

Since Control-M/Tape should be started automatically at IPL, it is important that this procedure be specified in the COMMNDxx member in the SYS1.PARMLIB library.


Reloads Control-M/Tape pool definitions. Control-M/Tape reads the pool definitions from the location referenced by the DAPOOLS DD statement in procedure CTTINIT. This parameter is relevant only if Control-M/Tape pool definitions have been changed or added.


Reloads Control-M/Tape rules. Control-M/Tape reads the rule definitions from the location referenced by the DARULLST DD statement in procedure CTTINIT (default: RULLIST in the Control-M/Tape PARM library). This parameter is relevant only if Control-M/Tape rules have been changed or added.


Reloads Control-M/Tape vault definitions. Control-M/Tape reads the vault definitions from the location referenced by the DAVLTS DD statement in procedure CTTINIT. This parameter is relevant only if Control-M/Tape vault definitions have been changed or added.


Reloads the default and optional views for the display commands that can be issued at the MVS console. Control-M/Tape reads the view definitions from the location referenced by the DATVIEWS DD statement in procedure CTTINIT.

For more information on the display commands, see the organization and administration chapter of the Control-M/Tape User Guide.


Terminates Control-M/Tape. When Control-M/Tape is shut down in this way, it can be restarted only using the following command:


Parent Topic

Establishing Procedures