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Installation Parameter Considerations

Most Control-M/Tape installation parameters (in the CTTPARM member) were set prior to activation of Control-M/Tape in Global Test mode. However, values specified for some of these parameters, listed in the following table, should be reconsidered before activation of Control-M/Tape in Global Phased mode.

For a more detailed description of these parameters, see the Control-M/Tape installation chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

Table 7 Control-M/Tape Installation Parameters




Determines whether to modify IDs of MOUNT and/or KEEP messages. If any software products at your site reference the current message ID, you should update those products (for example, console automation products or automated tape libraries).

Changing a message ID using this parameter can be useful for verifying that Control-M/Tape is active.


Determines whether to modify the text of MOUNT and/or KEEP messages (for example, to add the scratch pool name to mount messages). The MSGFMT parameter specifies the information that can be added to these messages.


Route code to the tape label printer. To test Control-M/Tape’s label printing capability, specify the route code that has been assigned to the console printer at your site.

To view the labels without actually printing them, specify a route code other than the route code of your current label printer. This causes the label information to be sent to the console. Below is a sample label as it would appear on the console:


  | DSN: MY.DATASET                       |

  |                    EXPDT: 07/06/2001  |

  | VOLSER: 123450     SLNAM: 123450      |

  | BLKSIZE: 03120     LRECL: 00080       |

  | CDATE: 05/05/2000  CTIME: 11:30       |

  | CJOB: PRCOPY04     CUNIT: 0480        |


Control-M/Tape Exit 9 can be used to customize the format of tape label information. Exit 9 can also be used to direct tape labels to a sysout file that can be printed on any printer. For information about how to use this exit, see the CTTX009 member in the IOA SAMPEXIT library.


Control-M/Tape operation mode. To indicate that Control-M/Tape should operate in Global Phased mode, set MODET to PHASED.


Information to be added to MOUNT and/or KEEP messages. Verify that the setting for this parameter suits the needs of your site.


Specifies whether Control-M/Tape should ask the operator to confirm the volume serial numbers (volsers) of the NL and BLP tapes.

Note: While operating in Global Test mode, Control-M/Tape treats the expression NLASKOP=Y the same way as NLASKOP=N. In Global Phased mode, this parameter can affect tape processing, and therefore should be reconsidered.


Automated tape libraries to be used. Only one system (either Control-M/Tape or the other tape management system) should manage the interface to the automated tape library.

  • If Control-M/Tape is to manage the automated tape library interface, specify the automated tape library types.
  • If the other tape management system is to manage the automated tape library interface, set this parameter to NONE.


Specifies whether Control-M/Tape rules should be checked to see if they should be executed in Test mode when the Global operation mode is PHASED or PROD.

BMC recommends that you set the MODE parameter to PROD in all Control-M/Tape rule definitions. If MODE is set to TEST in a rule definition, the rule does not intervene in the decisions made by the existing tape management system, but it may update the Media Database. Therefore, you should also set TESTRULE to N.

Note: Setting TESTRULE to Y may affect performance time of Control-M/Tape tasks, even if MODE is not set to TEST in any Control-M/Tape rules.

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