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Global Test mode is used to observe Control-M/Tape functioning and to adjust Control-M/Tape rules and definitions to eliminate inconsistencies between the existing tape management system and Control-M/Tape. The object of this stage of implementation is to reach a situation in which Control-M/Tape makes the same media management decisions as your current tape management system.

In Global Test mode, Control-M/Tape records information in the Media Database, but does not intervene in any way with media processing (for example, expired data sets are not uncataloged, and volumes are not rejected). All media processing is managed by the existing tape management system.

Global mode of operation is determined by the MODET parameter in the CTTPARM member. Mode of operation can also be specified for specific Control-M/Tape rules. However, when Global Test mode is specified, all rules operate in Test mode regardless of the mode specified in each rule definition.

Before Control-M/Tape is activated in Global Test mode, verify that Control-M/Tape parameters have been set properly, modify user exits as necessary, and implement interfaces with relevant system components (for example, external data managers and automated tape libraries).

While Control-M/Tape is operating in Global Test mode, monitor the databases of Control-M/Tape and the other tape management system, and compare the reports from both systems. If inconsistencies are detected, it may be necessary to modify Control-M/Tape rules and/or regenerate the Media Database by reconverting the database of the other tape management system.

This chapter describes

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Global Test Mode