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Table 7 Glossary of Terms



Active Balancing File

A file containing entries for all missions that are likely to execute in the very near future. It is a control file used by operations personnel to query and update the status of the different balancing tasks.

Audit Trail

An IOA Log file containing a complete audit trail of every event under the Control-M/Analyzer balancing environment. Control-M/Analyzer logs every item of meaningful information about its operation.

AutoEdit Variables

A set of one or more variables, stored in a PDS library member. These variables can be dynamically read and updated during rule execution. They may be accessed by other INCONTROL products.

Balancing Mission

A set of balancing rule scheduling criteria and other parameters, stored in a PDS library member.

Balancing Status

The current situation of active balancing tasks, such as awaiting execution, balancing, ENDED OK, ENDED NOTOK).


See ON Block.


One set of scheduling criteria, forming part of a mission. A single mission may contain any number of categories.


The action taken to update the Control-M/Analyzer database with new values of one or more variables.


Prerequisite conditions, stored in the IOA Conditions file. These conditions can be added or removed by a Control-M/Analyzer rule based on the results of rule execution. A prerequisite condition, which must exist prior to rule execution, can also be specified by a mission.


The Output Management System.
Automatically schedules and controls every aspect of report processing and distribution, including report decollating, bundling, printing, online viewing, and archiving.


The Automated Production Control and Scheduling System.
Manages and automates the setup, scheduling and execution of jobs in the OS/390 data center.


The Console Automation System and Desired State Monitoring System.
Monitors and automatically responds to messages, commands, and dataset events, as well as various other system events. The Control-O/COSMOS feature allows for status monitoring while maintaining all critical system objects in a desired and ideal status.


The Restart Management System.
Automates the activities that must be performed when restarting failed jobs, including the scratching and uncataloging of datasets created by failed jobs.

Database (Control-M/Analyzer)

A set of files that keeps track of information about Control-M/Analyzer Database variables, their generations of values and the groups to which they belong.

DO action

A balancing parameter used in a rule, which specifies a balancing action to take place (for example, print a line in the balancing report, set a variable to a value, terminate a rule).

Editor (Control-M/Analyzer)

A facility that provides line editing operations (moving, copying, deleting, repeating) within the Rule Definition facility of Control-M/Analyzer.

Control-M Application Server (CTMAS)

A workstation implementation of the IOA environment, providing one focal point for enterprise production activity.

External Data Source

A file or report that a Control-M/Analyzer rule can access to perform its balancing function. The file may be a sequential file or a compressed Control-D output file.

Extract data

A function performed within a rule, using DO EXTRACT parameters that bring data into the Control-M/Analyzer environment from external files or reports.


A set of facilities that can be used within a rule to process numeric and string values, such as absolute value, square root, substring, integer.


A value of a variable, associated with a specific update cycle, such as date and time.


A parameter specified in Control-M/Analyzer rules, missions, and Database Variable definitions, and used in various online displays. It is used to provide a logical association between data with a common purpose, within the IOA repository.

INPUT block

One of the two types of ON blocks used within a rule to specify the characteristics and extraction criteria for external data sources.

Invocation Report

A Control-M/Analyzer report, produced as a result of a rule execution, tracing all of the steps that occurred from the time the rule was invoked, until it terminated.


Integrated Operations Architecture is the software architecture of the INCONTROL family of automated systems operations products.


Job Control Language. This is the language used to communicate with the operating system of the computer.

Job Activity

A file containing historical information about balancing activity and roll-backs within jobs. For example, the file could contain names of variables committed, reference to reports generated, balancing results.


A name given to one section of an ON block, within a rule.


A reference to specific lines in a report or file, directly associated with a WHEN statement within a rule.

Local Variables

Variables used within a rule, which are not saved. These variables are known only to the rule as it executes.


An action automatically taken on Control-M/Analyzer database variables to prevent more than one user from accessing or updating a variable at the same time.


An IOA Log file containing a complete audit trail of every event under the Control-M/Analyzer balancing environment. Control-M/Analyzer logs every item of meaningful information about its operation.

Management by Color

An approach to the use of colors on INCONTROL product displays, used by INCONTROL products to assist operations, systems, and user staff in finding critical information on screens.


See Balancing Mission.


A parameter specified in an ON statement within a rule. It indicates whether a file or report is to be treated as a page or as a data set.

Multi-Screen Control

An IOA facility that enables a user to jump from one function to another, at will, and to return to the exact point at which the user was located in a previous function.

New Day Procedure

A set of jobs, set up by the system administrator, to order, or activate, new missions, and to perform daily clean-up functions.

ON Block

A logical section of a rule, containing an ON statement and various balancing parameters. ON blocks may operate on external data (files or reports) or internal data.

ON Data

One of the two types of ON blocks, used within a rule, to specify balancing actions associated with variables already within the Control-M/Analyzer environment.


The user ID associated with the creation of a rule, mission or variable.

Rollback facility

A facility provided within Control-M/Analyzer to automatically reset Control-M/Analyzer Database variables to their values at an earlier point in time.


One line of a file or report.


A set of automated balancing parameters, performing one logical balancing function and stored under one name in a PDS library.

Search criteria

A set of parameters within a WHEN statement of a rule, that specifies how to find data in a file or report.


An action parameter within a rule that sends a message to an online user.


A command, used within the Control-M/Analyzer online environment, to show options used for displaying information.


A set of one or more characters.


The symbolic name that Control-M/Analyzer and the operating system use to refer to a printed report.


The symbolic name that Control-M/Analyzer and the operating system use to refer to the Invocation Report.


The symbolic name that Control-M/Analyzer and the operating system use to refer to a listing of the rule.


The symbolic name that Control-M/Analyzer and the operating system use to refer to the balancing report (meaning, all of the print lines resulting from DO PRINT parameters specified within a rule).


A balancing action, specified within a rule, that causes a rule to end.

User Code

A numeric code, specified by a user when a rule terminates, to add significance to the results of a rule execution, for operators and/or users.


A statement found within a rule that specifies search criteria used to find data in reports or files.

WHEN statement

A statement used in a Control-M/Analyzer rule, which specifies the search criteria to find data in a report or file.