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Backing Up, Restoring, Restarting

The considerations for backup, restore, and restart of a Control-M/Analyzer application, or of the entire Control-M/Analyzer repository, are identical to those for any other database product.

Large installations usually have evolved backup and restore procedures for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual versions of their data and software. The procedures are sometimes specific to the software product and to the number of users involved, thus requiring a balance between the need for speedy recovery and the amount of time taken to perform a backup.

Within the Control-M/Analyzer environment, data exists in a format understood by the INCONTROL products, for example, the Active Balancing file. There are also libraries, such as Control-M/Analyzer JCL and RULES, which would likely be put into a standard system library. Because most installations already have backup procedures in place for standard system libraries, this discussion of backup focuses on the data specific to the Control-M/Analyzer environment.

The repository discussed in the Control-M/Analyzer User Guide, and in the Control-M/Analyzer chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide describe the Control-M/Analyzer and IOA files that are impacted by Control-M/Analyzer rules and missions.

Included with Control-M/Analyzer are a set of utilities which allow selective copying from Control-M/Analyzer files. For more information on these utilities, refer to the Control-M/Analyzer chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide. With the utilities provided, you have the ability to:

With these utilities, in combination with the IOA utilities provided for other IOA files, a backup and restore strategy can be designed which is suited to each balancing application.

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Preparing for Production—Technical