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Rule Definition

When you are ready to define your first Control-M/Analyzer rules, consider the following implementation hints:

Build and test your rule piece by piece

Do research before working online

Before beginning to work online, determine the following:

Many people prefer to work out these details on paper, before approaching the computer terminal. To assist you, a series of organized forms has been provided in Structured Approach for Implementation.

Analyze unexpected results

When the unexpected happens after executing a rule, use the following facilities to trace the steps the rule took:

Use short ON blocks rather than long ON blocks

There are times when you can write an entire rule within one or two ON blocks. There are two occasions when it may be desirable to split one long ON block into two or more ON blocks:

Using the Control-M/Analyzer Rule Definition Editor versus the System Editor

Rules can be defined using the Control-M/Analyzer Rule Definition facility or by using a standard system editor. Until you are very familiar with the syntax of Control-M/Analyzer rules, it is highly recommended that you use the Control-M/Analyzer Rule Definition facility.

The Control-M/Analyzer Rule Definition facility contains many helpful messages. When you omit a parameter, or fill it in incorrectly, the rule definition editor informs you immediately. It also uses a fill-in-the-blanks approach, avoiding the need to know the syntax of the parameters.

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Implementation Hints