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Organizing Libraries

Within Control-M/Analyzer, two main libraries are used and referenced:

While you could theoretically put all the above information in one library, there are better ways of organizing this information. Following are some suggestions for organization methods.

Organize Libraries by Group or Application

This is a logical way of administering security, tracking online storage usage, and providing MIS services.

This means that you could have, for example, a rule library for each group or application, a mission library for each group, and JCL libraries for each group. Users who want to view information about their application know exactly where to look, and have security privileges on their libraries. On the other hand, unauthorized users are prevented from accessing and changing rules or missions outside their own applications.

Keep Separate Libraries for Production and Testing

Production libraries should permit very limited access, and should be free of non-working or out-of-date items. They should only contain the items relevant to doing actual balancing functions.

Test libraries tend to have wide access, and also tend to quickly fill up with items that need frequent cleanup, such as rules you never implemented, one-time functions, rules, and JCL used for training.

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Suggested Conventions