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Solution – Details

In this Control-M/Analyzer solution, the rule

In this rule, you will learn how to refer to and access various generations of data from the database.

Opening Rule ARWARN05

  1. Select rule ARWARN05 for browsing.

    If you are not familiar with how to select a rule for browsing, review the instructions at the beginning of the discussion of rule ARWARN02 in Problem 2.

    The rule consists of the following three blocks:

    Figure 87 Rule ARWARN05

            LIBRARY : CTB.PROD.RULES                                RULE : ARWARN05

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    +---------------------------------- BROWSE -----------------------------------+

    | OWNER   M66                      GROUP INTRAC                               |

    | UPDATED 11/09/99  -  11:53:49    BY M66                                     |

    | DESC    CHECK WEEKLY SALES AND COST OF SALES AMOUNTS                        |

    | OPTIONS                                                                     |

    | =========================================================================== |

    | EXECUTE INIT     UPON                                                   C   |

    | ON DATA                                                                     |

    | LABEL: SETVARS                                                              |

    | ALWAYS                                                                      |

    |   DO SET      = WEEKSALES01=0                                           C   |

    |   DO SET      = WEEKSALES02=0                                           C   |

    |   DO SET      = WEEKSALES03=0                                           C   |

    |   DO SET      = WEEKCOST01=0                                            C   |

    |   DO SET      = WEEKCOST02=0                                            C   |

    |   DO SET      = WEEKCOST03=0                                            C   |

    |   DO SET      = CTR1=0                                                  C   |

    |   DO SET      = BLANK=' '                                               C   |

    | =========================================================================== |

    | EXECUTE ACCUMSLS UPON                                                   C   |

    | ON DATA                                                                     |

    PLEASE FILL IN RULE DEFINITION.                                        15.43.46

  2. In the first ON block, look at the LABEL: SETVARS section; note the first six variables that are initialized with DO SET actions—from WEEKSALES01 through WEEKCOST3. These variables are used for accumulating weekly invoice and cost amounts.
  3. Now examine the second ON block, called ACCUMSLS. Place the cursor in the COMMAND field and press PF08/PF20, or execute the DOWN command.

    Figure 88 LABEL ACCUM in the ACCUMSLS ON Block

            LIBRARY : CTB.PROD.RULES                                RULE : ARWARN05

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    +---------------------------------- BROWSE -----------------------------------+

    | LABEL: ACCUM                                                                |

    | ALWAYS                                                                      |

    |   DO SET      = WEEKSALES01=WEEKSALES01 + DB_INVAMT01@G%%CTR1           C   |

    |   DO SET      = WEEKSALES02=WEEKSALES02 + DB_INVAMT02@G%%CTR1           C   |

    |   DO SET      = WEEKSALES03=WEEKSALES03 + DB_INVAMT03@G%%CTR1           C   |

    |   DO SET      = WEEKCOST01=WEEKCOST01 + DB_COST01@G%%CTR1               C   |

    |   DO SET      = WEEKCOST02=WEEKCOST02 + DB_COST02@G%%CTR1               C   |

    |   DO SET      = WEEKCOST03=WEEKCOST03 + DB_COST03@G%%CTR1               C   |

    |   DO SET      = CTR1=INT(CTR1+1)                                        C   |

    | IF       CTR1<5                                                         C   |

    |   DO GOTO     LABEL ACCUM                                                   |

    | =========================================================================== |

    | EXECUTE CHECK    UPON                                                   C   |

    | ON DATA                                                                     |

    | ALWAYS                                                                      |

    |   DO SET      = MARGIN1=(WEEKSALES01-WEEKCOST01)/WEEKSALES01            C   |

    |   DO SET      = MARGIN2=(WEEKSALES02-WEEKCOST02)/WEEKSALES02            C   |

    |   DO SET      = MARGIN3=(WEEKSALES03-WEEKCOST03)/WEEKSALES03            C   |

    | IF       WEEKSALES01 < 2000000                                          C   |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM01='SALES BELOW TARGET'                          C   |

    PLEASE FILL IN RULE DEFINITION.                                        15.44.57

  4. Look at the first DO SET instruction in this ON block.

    It sets variable WEEKSALES01 equal to the sum of the variables WEEKSALES01 and DB_INVAMT01@G%%CTR1.

    When the rule started, variable WEEKSALES01 was initialized to 0.

    The expression DB_INVAMT01@G%%CTR1 is defined as follows:

    Each day, as INVAMT01 is updated from the daily invoice total for Division 1, as set forth in the explanation of rule ARWARN04 in the section describing Problem 4, a new generation of INVAMT01 is created. The most recent generation of INVAMT01 is always generation 0. The next most recent generations are generations 1, 2, and so on.

  5. Now examine the entire ACCUM procedure, shown in Figure 88. The rule selects the five most recent generations of each of the database variables, representing the most recent data for the week, as follows:

    The rule first adds the value of generation 0 of each of the database variables into WEEKSALES01, WEEKSALES02, and so on.

    The rule then adds 1 to the counter, CTR1, which represents the generation number.

    If CTR1 is less than 5, it returns to LABEL: ACCUM to calculate another day’s worth of values. If CTR1 is greater than or equal to 5, meaning that all the figures for the week have been accumulated, the rule proceeds to accumulate margins based on these figures.

    After calculating margins, the rule begins the analysis on all the figures.

    Examining the Balancing Checks of the ON Block EXECUTE ACCUMSLS

  6. Place the cursor on the line beginning with the string "IF WEEKSALES01=," and press PF08/PF20, or enter the DOWN command.

    Figure 89 Balancing Checks of the ON Block EXECUTE ACCUMSLS

            LIBRARY : CTB.PROD.RULES                                RULE : ARWARN05

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    +---------------------------------- BROWSE -----------------------------------+

    | IF       WEEKSALES01 < 2000000                                          C   |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM01='SALES BELOW TARGET'                          C   |

    |   DO SET      = CTR1=999                                                C   |

    | ELSE                                                                        |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM01=BLANK                                         C   |

    | IF       WEEKSALES02 < 3000000                                          C   |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM02='SALES BELOW TARGET'                          C   |

    |   DO SET      = CTR1=999                                                C   |

    | ELSE                                                                        |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM02=BLANK                                         C   |

    | IF       WEEKSALES03 <  600000                                          C   |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM03='SALES BELOW TARGET'                          C   |

    |   DO SET      = CTR1=999                                                C   |

    | ELSE                                                                        |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM03=BLANK                                         C   |

    | IF       MARGIN1 < 0.15                                                 C   |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM04='MARGIN BELOW TARGET'                         C   |

    |   DO SET      = CTR1=999                                                C   |

    | ELSE                                                                        |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM04=BLANK                                         C   |

    PLEASE FILL IN RULE DEFINITION.                                        15.46.10

    This group of IF statements performs the balancing checks for the accumulated amounts, in the following basic pattern:

    1. Tests the accumulated amount to see if it breaks the rule. For example, the first IF statement is IF WEEKSALES01 < 2000000.
    2. If the amount is in error, that is, if the first IF statement is less than 2000000
      • set an error message for later printing, in the first case "SALES BELOW TARGET", and
      • set the variable CTR1 to 999

      999 in all these IF statements indicates that one or more of the rules has been broken. Later, this will be used to terminate the rule NOTOK.

    3. If the test is OK, that is, if it is greater than the target, set the error message to blank.
  7. Press PF08/PF20, or enter the DOWN command, to scroll forward one screen to examine the remainder of these balancing checks.

    Figure 90 Last Balancing Checks of the ON Block EXECUTE ACCUMSL

            LIBRARY : CTB.PROD.RULES                               RULE : ARWARN05

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    +---------------------------------- BROWSE -----------------------------------+

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM03=BLANK                                         C   |

    | IF       MARGIN1 < 0.15                                                 C   |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM04='MARGIN BELOW TARGET'                         C   |

    |   DO SET      = CTR1=999                                                C   |

    | ELSE                                                                        |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM04=BLANK                                         C   |

    | IF       MARGIN2 < 0.2                                                  C   |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM05='MARGIN BELOW TARGET'                         C   |

    |   DO SET      = CTR1=999                                                C   |

    | ELSE                                                                        |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM05=BLANK                                         C   |

    | IF       MARGIN3 < 0.38                                                 C   |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM06='MARGIN BELOW TARGET'                         C   |

    |   DO SET      = CTR1=999                                                C   |

    | ELSE                                                                        |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM06=BLANK                                         C   |

    | ALWAYS                                                                      |

    |   DO PRINT    = INTRAC WEEKLY INVOICE ANALYSIS                      F   C   |

    |   DO PRINT    =         FOR %%SYSDATE                               F   C   |

    |   DO PRINT    = %%BLANK                                             F   C   |

    PLEASE FILL IN RULE DEFINITION.                                        15.47.07

  8. After examining all the balancing checks, scroll forward once more to the end of this rule by pressing PF08/PF20, or entering the DOWN command.

    Figure 91 End of Rule ARWARN05

            LIBRARY : CTB.PROD.RULES                                RULE : ARWARN05

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    +---------------------------------- BROWSE -----------------------------------+

    | ELSE                                                                        |

    |   DO SET      = PROBLEM06=BLANK                                         C   |

    | ALWAYS                                                                      |

    |   DO PRINT    = INTRAC WEEKLY INVOICE ANALYSIS                      F   C   |

    |   DO PRINT    =         FOR %%SYSDATE                               F   C   |

    |   DO PRINT    = %%BLANK                                             F   C   |

    |   DO PRINT    = SALES OF DIV 1 - %%WEEKSALES01 %%PROBLEM01          F   C   |

    |   DO PRINT    = SALES OF DIV 2 - %%WEEKSALES02 %%PROBLEM02          F   C   |

    |   DO PRINT    = SALES OF DIV 3 - %%WEEKSALES03 %%PROBLEM03          F   C   |

    |   DO PRINT    = %%BLANK                                             F   C   |

    |   DO PRINT    = MARGIN OF DIV 1 - %%MARGIN1 %%PROBLEM04             F   C   |

    |   DO PRINT    = MARGIN OF DIV 2 - %%MARGIN2 %%PROBLEM05             F   C   |

    |   DO PRINT    = MARGIN OF DIV 3 - %%MARGIN3 %%PROBLEM06             F   C   |

    | IF       CTR1=999                                                       C   |

    |   DO TERMINAT = NOTOK    COD 0099                                           |

    | ELSE                                                                        |

    |   DO TERMINAT = OK       COD 0000                                           |

    | =========================================================================== |

    | EXECUTE          UPON                                                   C   |

    | ON                                                                          |

    PLEASE FILL IN RULE DEFINITION.                                        15.47.56

After the rule performs all checks, it prints the balancing report. Note how any problems that are encountered are referred to by using the variable names PROBLEM01, PROBLEM02, and so on, in each print line.

The rule terminates either OK or NOTOK, depending on the value of CTR1. As defined earlier, if any errors are encountered, variable CTR1 is set to 999.

Parent Topic

Problem 5: Check Weekly Database Amounts